Title: What is more dangerous.... Post by: slug on 21 March 2012, 16:48:46 A mop?
http://today.seattletimes.com/2012/03/holdup-man-routed-with-floormop-in-bellingham/ or a bucket of bleachy water (see previous posts) http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1995.0 http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=1761.45 (page 4) Title: Re: What is more dangerous.... Post by: EvilGinger on 21 March 2012, 21:49:50 I would go for a mop on the basis its a reusable weapon but I see your Dilemma
>:DGinger |