Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming => Roleplaying => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 19 March 2012, 23:39:42

Title: Dungeon Crawl clasics RPG coming soon
Post by: EvilGinger on 19 March 2012, 23:39:42
Spirit Games
Attention role-players! Goodman Games' DCC RPG is due out later this year, anyone pre-ordering through the shop gets an advance pdf of the rules and an exclusive adventure module that will arrive with the hard copy of the rules. But time is of the essence, the offer expires on 1st April and we have only just sorted it out with Goodman Games. They had forgotten to tell the UK distributors...


reposted for the attention of the many role players here.


Title: Re: Dungeon Crawl clasics RPG coming soon
Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 20 March 2012, 01:07:17
Got any info on the system itself and so on, by any chance?

Title: Re: Dungeon Crawl clasics RPG coming soon
Post by: Zarniwoop on 20 March 2012, 01:13:30
A bit more detail on Dungeon Crawl Classics (

Beta Rules (

Title: Re: Dungeon Crawl clasics RPG coming soon
Post by: EvilGinger on 20 March 2012, 07:01:54
Thank you Zarni & I was given a price by Phil which I promptly forgot it being a bit late & there being no coffee you could call coffee in the shop. Sorry Phil I would rather drink Carling than any thing by nastycafe & there is only so much tea can do.


Title: Re: Dungeon Crawl clasics RPG coming soon
Post by: EvilGinger on 20 March 2012, 18:24:35
Prices are USD 39.99 for the standard version & 69.99 for a deluxe limited edition with a vinyl cover & gold foil. There are no official GBP prices yet but the US prices translate to a little under £30 & £45 respectively.


Title: Re: Dungeon Crawl clasics RPG coming soon
Post by: whitefire on 21 March 2012, 00:40:27
I think I have ordered the pre-order bundle (Steve took the details over the phone) - you get a free module with the game. If anyone fancies a go at it, I'd be happy to DM the game, as I have had a good read through the Beta rules - I don't think there have been too many changes although I think there will be a few tweaks to the magic system. It looks good in a sort of AD&D way, with a few upgrades. It is definitely old skool, in a good way and will lend itself to good role playing with nice simple rules.

Title: Re: Dungeon Crawl clasics RPG coming soon
Post by: EvilGinger on 21 March 2012, 07:08:02
You have & I will remind Phil just in case Steve has had a moment ;) as for a game well if your back in the GMing business Whitefire I am up for it just going to sew all my characters pockets shut & magicaly trap oll their pouches & other valuables  >:D ;D


Title: Re: Dungeon Crawl clasics RPG Has now arrived
Post by: EvilGinger on 23 November 2012, 21:54:51
As the game has now arrived
Having played my first game of this rather fun old school system I feel the need to post some useful links (

publishers website (

for generation first level and above characters (

"0" parties of four generator


Title: Re: Dungeon Crawl clasics RPG coming soon
Post by: whitefire on 25 November 2012, 23:32:01
There is also a very useful one page download of tables for 0 level characters on the Purple Sorcerer site.