Title: Agrios Ferrio Post by: EvilGinger on 14 March 2012, 21:03:55 Sat with his new colleagues in the briefing room on board the Fiat Imperialis and listened to the briefing on Exelliror Minoris his neural implant recording and cataloguing all of the planetary served data & the layout of the planet when the Imperial fiat had actually run to ruling it. he chucked to himself at that joke but restrained himself form laughing as he was amongst half barbarians who would be shocked at such levity he guessed. He analysed the data as he listened and made posits as to how four centuries of orc rule might have changed this.
He watched his colleagues seeking to judge them the grim Brother Dorn in his monkish robe. The tabarded & hideously scared Brother Dravidus he wondered then remembered that these people did not have regeneration tanks & he knew the man could fight he had seen it in the fallen fortress. Though he also judged that the man had no sense of self preservation as he had charged into hordes of the Mechanoids shouting his battle cry & smiting them with the shock hammer. He watched Brother Verditus who he had also seen fight carapaced in terminator armour his assault cannon spiting lethally accurate bursts of aromur peircing rounds. He wondered how they had come to be marines he wondered how he was going to get along with them & how much they should know of the truth...... to be continued >:DGinger |