Title: Brother Maleficus dreams Post by: EvilGinger on 14 March 2012, 20:46:28 Locked in the regeneration tank on the Grey Angels Grand Cruiser Hand of Friendship, Maleficius dreamed, he dreamed many things of playing in the dust of the hearth in his fathers hall, of his older sister of his first hunt and how Hywel had been afraid of the lightning storm. He dreamed of the wizard who he now knew to be a marine Chaplin who visited the clans steading and he dreamt of a man trapped in a similar chamber far away yearning to be free. Whilst in the background in the dark places of his mind something whispered, words to be remembered, words to be acted on when the time is right.
>:DGinger Title: Re: Brother Maleficus dreams Post by: EvilGinger on 09 May 2012, 18:33:07 Words of a man craving release a man who needed to be healed to regain what once he had & if mankind was to endure must have again. In his dreams it seemed that this man was asking Maleficus for his aid as he was one of the few who could in truth still hear the one small voice over all the din. An unfamiliar din of many strange noises with in his mind as he healed from his dreadful wounds
>:DGinger Title: Re: Brother Maleficus dreams Post by: EvilGinger on 21 June 2012, 15:59:00 Maleficus woke form his dream feeling very different form the man who he had once been....
>:DGinger |