Title: Star Wars Minis - March 2012 @ Spirit Games Post by: CrazyFrog on 09 March 2012, 14:15:22 Start time 11:00 in the shop, heading to the cafe for lunch between 1:00 / 2:00
Squad build: 150pts constructed. 2 squads (1 light side / 1 dark side) are required to be brought along, dice roll will select which squad you play. 1 Light Side Build from Rebel, Republic, New Republic, Vong, Mandoralin, Fringe 1 Dark Side Build - Seperatist, Imperial, Sith, Fringe for the purposes of this event Vong, Mandoralin are considered Fringe. Tournement over 3 rounds, games played by ranking winners and highest score. Any questions please PM me. Cheers CrazyFrog |