Title: Game 09 - Solace Post by: PM on 14 April 2008, 19:07:18 Played 10/02/2007
Professor Merideth receives a letter as follows. January 12 1923 Dr Raymond S Pettigrew Rt.1 Solace, Mass My Dear Friend, I fear I have become much the recluse since my days at the University! Living in Solace these last several years has been a balm to my spirits, however, and I now expound on the virtues of rural New England as much as any other rustic. Nevertheless, I have not lost my acuity. Over the last several months I have been researching this village of my youth and have found much of interest. Recalling our common belief in things beyond, I have written to invite you to visit me and share in my findings. Solace, or Saulous as it was once named, was once the home of a man of dark reputation. Well I have found his old haunts, as it were, and they are most fascinating - and not a little disturbing. Should you be available, I would greatly appreciate it if you would spend a week or so here. Please bring some of your friends. Knowing you, they are birds of the same feather! As ever Raymond p.s. Dress Warmly!!! Title: Re: Game 9 - Solace Post by: PM on 14 April 2008, 19:07:43 Summary of game.
Cold, wet, Mousetraps, potatoes. weird people. town drunk. Coffee anyone? ;) Are people supposed to have have two bodies? More snow, cave. What's that! Missed! Bugger, where did he come from? Oh look! The off switch! Nothing should have that many tentacles. :( I'll let you fill in the details. |