Title: British Superhero role-playing - The Long Minute Post by: Zarniwoop on 15 February 2012, 20:30:13 Posted on Behalf of: Simon Burley
Hi, My name's Simon Burley. Many, many moons ago I co-authored the British Superhero Role-playing game - Golden Heroes. I'm currently playtesting as et of Superhero RPG rules - Squadron UK (2nd edition). I'd like to offer to run a couple of games at your next raiders of the Game Cupbaord event (31st March) Cheers! Blurb: The Long Minute British Superhero role-playing. A play-test of the new Squadron UK rules by the author of Britain's first Suphero RPG. You'll create your own unique Heroes who will be thrown head-first into a city-wide mystery. Action packed but needing as much brains as brawn to save the day. GM: Simon Burley Number players: 3-5 Slots: (1) Morning (2) Afternoon (if any players want to "carry over" into the second slot - I do have alternative adventures.....) Title: Re: British Superhero role-playing - The Long Minute Post by: EvilGinger on 15 February 2012, 21:56:00 Zarni having another Identity crisis? :o
However getting back on topic I would be very interested in helping out here I like play testing stuff & superhero gaming. >:DGinger |