Title: Part 2 - Ladies Night In Buffalo Post by: slug on 14 April 2008, 18:22:18 Dateline: November 1927
Ray Cook, our contact at Crowthorne Investigations contacted our team to look into a new case. They had been contacted by the mother of Paul LeMonde, a Psychic and Medium who had gone missing. Our team was much reduced owing to other commitments but three of us (Ray, Greg and Jake) made the journey to Buffalo by train, the team car being deemed to unreliable for the long journey and bad weather. We booked into a hotel and went to see Mrs LeMonde (who bakes very good cookies), from her we found that Paul had been hospitalised at 17 due to traumatic nightmares, when he came out of hospital he associated with a Mr Rogers. LeMonde suffered from amnesia. He spent a lot of time travelling (with Mr Rogers). When he returned home he found he could communicate with spirits. Mothers recollection of Mr Rogers was tall and dark. We read extracts of a diary he kept when he was 13 where he dreamt of a gigantic city in a tropical jungle and felt as though he was an alien there. Two contacts we have are his girlfriend, Velma Peters, who Mrs LeMonde doesn't think too highly of and Herb Whitefield his manager who she also looks down on. From our visit to the hospital he was committed to they say he was suffering from sleep deprivation, amnesia and nightmares. He was checked out of the hospital by a Mr Rogers. Upon a surreptitious visit to the managers office Ray was approached by a tall, blonde man with a beard. John Dervin, who claimed to be working for an insurance agents who were investigating a possible insurance fraud (Herb had several policies on LeMonde). We all met up later in a little cafe with Mr Dervin to compare notes, we noted that Dervins beard was false. Here the notes of Jake Arbuthnot end and he sketches the events that followed. Change hotels Find Herb has gone missing Greg gets friendly with Herbs secretary Dervin is a false name Break into Dervin/Rogers apartment Rogers shoots at us but misses Steal old book and odd metal thing from Rogers apartment – leave note that if he wants these things back to meet us at the cafe we met at previously. Stake out cafe – it blows up. Our hire car high tails it outta there. Go to Herbs apartment, find him badly beaten up muttering Bugsy before falling unconscious – get Herb to hospital. Visit Bugsy, a gangster, who Herb had an "appointment" with to do a little bit of business. Escape from Bugsys after finding he had Herb beaten up for failing to pay back money he owed from Bugsy kidnapping Paul. Change hotels again At Sunny View Mental Home there is a patient by the name of Paulie Mondel, an anagram so weak we knew it must be our man. Went to see Paul (ie) and found a tall red headed man trying to suffocate the patient with a pillow, after all of us freezing in complete shock the assailant (Rogers) made his getaway (after being shot by Ray). Paul reunited with his mother. Read weird book can't remember much more. Title: Rogers Journal Post by: Zarniwoop on 14 April 2008, 18:23:35 We found Rogers diary and found some curious entries and I made a connection that the device we found is the device mentioned in the journal. I really wish I hadn't as I gained some cthluthu insight..
The diary made reference to Rogers communicating with Ithian?? (Sorry steve please edit to correct name my notes not clear!) using a device. 8 years ago they inhabited Paul's body and travelled all over he world. They gave him back under orders that Rogers kill LeMonde and any other warned by LeMonde's dreams. Title: Another building bites the dust :) Post by: Deebee on 14 April 2008, 18:25:12 Congratulations on destroying yet another building! :)
We should seriously think about a Cthulhu and Construction company - break and make!!! Title: What building? Post by: slug on 14 April 2008, 18:26:23 No buildings were harmed in the making of this tale (by us). It was Rogers.
Title: Re: Part 2 - Ladies Night In Buffalo Post by: Steve on 14 April 2008, 18:54:02 Hey I was gonna call this thread Crazies Night In Buffallo!
Actually this group are keeping up a pretty good record so far. first they collapsed an apartment block (Wail of the witch) then they blow up a cafe (well Ok they didn't exactly blow it up themselves but they might as well have! :D ). (oh and your right about the annoying ' thingy bug above the e in cafe) Title: Re: Part 2 - Ladies Night In Buffalo Post by: Zarniwoop on 14 April 2008, 19:32:04 Steve your are the moderator for this forum you should be able to change it if you want to :D
Ok just checked even I can't do that or at least I can't find a way. I guess we're stuck with it :shock: Title: Re: Another building bites the dust :) Post by: PM on 14 April 2008, 19:33:52 Quote from: DeeBee We should seriously think about a Cthulhu and Construction company - break and make!!! That'll be the firm that used the Cthonian to dig the subway system for Arkham then. :) Title: Power bwah ha ha ha Post by: slug on 14 April 2008, 19:34:45 I can edit it as it's my title