Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming => Hard Rain - Pathfinder => Topic started by: Hard Rain on 17 November 2011, 20:39:00

Title: The Market square in Kultekakun - Inns
Post by: Hard Rain on 17 November 2011, 20:39:00
OOC Deebee your here

The Nearest inn is the South Hotel an impressive building next door to the temple of Ikaros mother of trade which which it seems to be in direct competition when it comes to ostentation, the others on this side of the square are The Lion Hotel, Peliagoes, with the rest being on other sides of the square mostly apart from the South hotel the opposite side from where you are now. Most of the Taverns are closer to the South hotel which is on the side by the horse fair

Over to you

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun - Inns
Post by: Deebee on 23 November 2011, 20:43:19
Starting with the South Hotel, and working around the sqaure then, I will go in and speak with whoever is on reception or in the case of the taverns who looks like they deal with room bookings.

I will explain that I have a business meeting with Master Proudifeet (a hobbit, and horse trader if pushed) however I have forgotten which hotel he was staying at I would be very grateful if they could a message to him that Galdor wishes to speak with him as he has an update on their business venture. I suspect I will be met with a number of blank stares but will make sure they check the guest book for names before being convnced that he is not at that hotel. If he is not available to met then I will at least try to confirm/deny where he is staying.

I will also try and observe for any stonewalling and mis-information.

Title: Re: The Market square in Kultekakun - Inns
Post by: Hard Rain on 24 November 2011, 17:25:44
The information that you get from most of them is that very few halflings have booked into any of the inns or hotels around the market & none answering to the name of Proudifoot at the Lion hotel you are told that Master Proudifoot usually books in to the hotel for the horse fair with his his wife and daughters & have done so for the last score of years but not this year, thought they where expected. 

His people book into a halfling  run establishment some where near the market but your informant cant recall the name except it had something to do with dragons. on your way out of the Lion Hotel you see a gnome on the steps who is wearing Trevit livery