Title: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: Hard Rain on 04 November 2011, 05:26:57 This is the new thread Deebee you are on
the Morning rite done with Gottfried is carefully removing the elaborate ceremonial robes the celestial order still wear relics of its time as the imperial cult assisted by the rather contrite brother Adair, when a novice announces that Gottfried's guests of last night are back and are wanting to speak to him The Robing room is like the rest of the temple complex vast and designed to impress. It is rather a relic of an earlier age massively built to impress the now lost power of the faith upon all who enter there the congregation which files past Galdor, Selengil, & Merideth, leaving as they enter, is too small for this monumental building and looks very poor and ragged as well. Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: Deebee on 04 November 2011, 10:24:41 To the Galdor, Seningil, and Meredith “Good day to you all may the celestial light shine on you this day. I presume you have been out to see your hobbit friend but I see he is not with you?”
To Adair “I did not see Mrs Valerius this morning in congregation, please could you deliver this ointment”, pulling a small jar from under his robes “make sure she is alright and gets this ointment for her husband, you know how Sergeant Valerius suffers with his foot these days on night gate duty. That is all Adair, thank you, you may go now”. Assuming they impart the mornings events at the poor house – question for the DM: What do we know about the inquisition? “Well assuming he has not been whisked away by the inquisition then I would suggest we look in the hobbit trading quarter, after all you did say he was a hobbit horse trader did you not? We can ask around if we cannot find him, I assume he would be quite well known if his stock is as good as he says it is.” Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: Hard Rain on 05 November 2011, 13:32:26 OOC make a knowledge religion roll DC 10 for Gotfried please DeeBee
Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: EvilGinger on 07 November 2011, 19:29:00 OOC DeeBee your on I think old chap
>:DGinger Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: Deebee on 08 November 2011, 20:15:39 Rolled 1d20 : 5, total 5 Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: Hard Rain on 09 November 2011, 13:20:08 OOC Verily the E-Dice are cursed for you Deebee
Gotfried has no knowledge of the celestial order ever having had an "inquisition" at any time in its history, and is certain that no such organisation exists locally sorry for being a Bad GM but I have been having kiddy issues, not mine I hasten to add as it would have not survived its first decade behaving like it did over the last couple of nights Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: Deebee on 09 November 2011, 17:15:04 Have I ever heard of any such inquistions in the city at all?
Failing this then I suggest we go with my original plan and head towards the hobbit trading quarter. Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: slug on 09 November 2011, 18:19:42 OOC - don't you have and dice mods DeeBee?
Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: Hard Rain on 09 November 2011, 20:26:24 OOC Slug no, not according to my records either which is odd as I thought Knowledge religion was a compulsory skill for clerics have to check the main rule book when I can locate it.
in which case I will set up another location for you to go to in the centre of town shortly after I have fed the cat who is being very loud even now despite it being my night off. Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: Deebee on 10 November 2011, 11:09:36 Yeah, that's what I thought too, but after checking my character stats I couldn't find one??
Title: Re: Robing room of the Celestial order on Sparow Street in Kultekakun Post by: Hard Rain on 10 November 2011, 15:22:26 OOC DeeBee its a class skill not a compulsory one so thats seems to be why we missed it still drop a point in when you level & it will be sorted till then I will let you roll against it even though you dont have it especialy if its about your order
Then having no better plan every one heads for the richer section of town & particularly the inns around the market where Gildor's patron is likely to be staying OOC I am moving the action to the Market square |