Title: Freelance Magistrate Charactor Descriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 15 October 2011, 21:02:54 Here I would like the players to post a description of their character I will be awarding bonus experience point to those who do
>:DEvilGinger Title: Re: Freelance Magistrate Charactor Descriptions Post by: Raksi on 16 October 2011, 21:26:49 Cathak Garel Anarith
Anarith stands at a height of 5' 7" Her long crimson hair short and wild a long braid extending down her back to her waist. Her eyes shining like rubys gentle yet fierce. Her body lean and athletic encased in a red jade breastplate with a simple yet ornate pattern as one would expect from the realm. Her forearms covered likewise with ornate bracers of jade like 2 dragons claws clasped around her hands a bright crystal inset into the back of the right hand. a split skirt of red and pink silks hanging loosly from her thin waist a decortive belt clasping it tightly to her waist her feet covered in likewise red fabircs to cover the otherwise plain greaves to protect her feet. The woman unmistakably that of a dragon blooded. Strapped across the rather flamboyant fire aspects back sits a menacing blade of red jade exceeding her height at an angle where it barely reachs off the ground its blade a foot in width the blade covered in ancient runes and patterns an ancient blade handed down through the generations. Created purely for the purposes of rending any and all foes asunder. |