Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming Groups => In the Lands of the Dead => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 15 October 2011, 20:58:50

Title: In the Lands of the Dead NPc descriptions
Post by: EvilGinger on 15 October 2011, 20:58:50
Here I will post the descriptions of the principle NPC's on this story ark  

to be continued


Title: Re: In the Lands of the Dead NPc descriptions
Post by: EvilGinger on 31 October 2011, 21:40:48
Alexander Robert Grey
A slightly taller defiantly handsomer version of Bob with an immaculately quaffed hair style form the 1940's he wears the uniform of an RAF officer form world war two and strangely a cloak of  some sort of animal hide covered in tassels made of various other animal pelts. He speaks English with a clipped period fashion with the soft under tow of a lowland Scots accent. He has at times a slightly mad stare but appears at all times totally sane & rational

A bear like man

Tepet Agarm

to be continued........
