Title: Police woman's war NPC Descriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 15 October 2011, 20:56:39 Here I will post the descriptions of the principle NPC's on this story ark
to be continued >:DGinger Title: Re: Police woman's war NPC Descriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 31 October 2011, 21:36:39 Jurvinal
a quiet man with a sing song voice dark soulful eyes dark hair and skin the colour of oiled walnut wood. He wears no armour and goes unarmed save for a plain version of the ubiquitous Lookshy hunting knife, a short hunting bow & quiver of half a dozen arrows each for a different type of game. his clothes are well made but all home spun in earthy browns and greens Silver Swan A tall lithe woman appearing to be in her late twenties but almost certainly older she has fair hair worn in a variety of styles fairish skin & pale almost colourless eyes her clothes whatever style they are in and Laura who is the only one who has seen her properly are usually silver grey with the odd item being violet. to be continued..... >:DGinger |