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Gaming Groups => A Policewoman's War => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 02 October 2011, 18:24:06

Title: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 October 2011, 18:24:06
after some time living and training at the Lookshy case in Nexus Laura & Kayoba are invited to see a woman called General Keral Sapphire and several officers of the high command apparently they have a job for Laura which they would like to discuss with her. They would like her to do it by way of repayment for their hospitality if you understand that 

feel free to post here what are you doing & I will continue to expand on the breifing as I go along


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 02 October 2011, 20:23:13
I make my way to the generals office to ask what sort of favour she is after, in a polite and diplomatic manner.

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 October 2011, 23:19:09
Keral Sapphire a middle aged woman in a slightly science fiction looking military uniform bids both Laura & Kayoba sit before introducing herself and her staff. She points to her staff naming them all before handing over to her briefing officer a Major Hereth Keristan a similarly uniformed man who appears in his middle thirties.

Laura, Kayoba we have a developing situation on the other side of the hundred kingdoms which revolve around a barbarian warlord gathering a great host of Beastmen and Azlekii sub men around him we have information that a possibly friendly Anathema has been vital in preventing this horde reaching a critical mass such that it would invade the river province and we would like you to contact this anathema and bring her on side. We would also like you assessment of the accuracy of our intelligence and  the analysis based on it.

The Anathema is the generals older sister Fire opal whoi retired to farm the headwaters of the Nevrin river about five years ago and it would seem exalted as an anathema about a year ago  when attacked by some fair folk raiders.


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 03 October 2011, 22:35:40
Laura smiles inwardly, wondering if this way the way that Mnemeon Jaxtat had been made to work for Lookshy.

She says:
Certainly, I would have no problem with this, although I cannot speak for my companion.What other details can you give me about her? What does she look like and so on.
However, although I am more than happy to undertake this expedition, I do have two requests. The first is about Iofe. Can arrangements be made for her to attend a school? I worry for her upbringing, especially with the new complications she is facing. And secondly will George be permitted to accompany me on this journey?

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 03 October 2011, 23:04:12
Kayoba Makes a Gesture of respect to the general and her staff and says rather melodramatically "where she goes I go only to death do I go before her and alone"

The General looks stern and does not react, most of the Aids and the briefing officer also dont react , but one of the younger aids rolls his eyes to the heavens on hearing this speech.

Then the general speaks "are those your terms they are stiff ones and I will have to consult with major Korush on both those matters we have a circle of Solars and would for obvious reasons want to keep them on a short rein, and he is our expert on Solar anathema  George I will say yes to as he may be of assistance.


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 03 October 2011, 23:13:39
Thank you General *Laura makes a bow/nod of respect* I understand the requests are a touch problematic, but I only ask out of concern for my children and their welfare.

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 03 October 2011, 23:26:13
The general nods "we all have children and they are both a burden and a treasure" then grinning "especially to the mother"


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 03 October 2011, 23:33:49
*Laura laughs* Thank you General. When would you like us to depart?

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 03 October 2011, 23:42:50
changing back to a more formal tone the general continues Pretty much as soon as possible as the mater is urgent and given the speed of travel it will take some time to reach Koral Fire orchids estate as we can not afford have you seen over much ambassadors  of Looksy. The colonel is a little touchy on the subject of Looksy since she retired "


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 04 October 2011, 00:17:45
Ah, I see. Is there tension that I should be aware of?

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 04 October 2011, 00:29:17
"I would rather not discuss that here" the general sternly " all we need is to have you talk to Fire Orchid and get her on strenght"


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 04 October 2011, 01:41:14
"Very well, we will see what we can do."

With this Laura turns to Kayoba, grinning with a slight glint in her eyes:

"Ready for another adventure?"

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 04 October 2011, 12:30:09
Kayoba nods to Laura but says nothing remaining oddly stiff & detached.


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 04 October 2011, 14:01:27
Lauras brow furrows slightly at this, making a mental note to discover more about this later.

*Making a slight bow* "If you will excuse me General, I must go and prepare for the journey"

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 04 October 2011, 15:38:33
The general smiles " well then I would say that you are dismissed my orderly will provide whatever assistance with travel preparations you may require, good journey  and may success stand at the end of that road"

Kayoba stands turns and makes to leave he is defiantly not himself today this is a Kayoba Laura had not seen and she thought she had got to know his moods well over the last months.


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 05 October 2011, 03:51:50
waiting until they are out of earshot of the office, Laura trys to catch Kayoba's attention.

"Kayoba... is something wrong? You seem out of sorts."

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 05 October 2011, 16:35:08
Kayoba stiffens like a small child that's been caught  steeling sweets or cheating and mumbles something, which sounds like low realm but to Laura's non native ear dosn't make sense, then clarifies it in English "erm yes, but I dont want to talk about it"


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 05 October 2011, 16:55:57
"Ah, fair enough. I won't push, but you know where I am. I'm going to pack and get supplies... Can I get you anything?"

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 05 October 2011, 18:14:52
Kayoba, shrugs his shoulders and walks away a little disconsolately


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 09 October 2011, 18:31:20
OOC this is still the active thread so feel free to finish off here as required


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 10 October 2011, 00:07:07
Laura goes to make the required preparations, making sure to make the preparations for Henderson Kayoba as well.

After doing so she goes to find Kayoba, knocking on his door

*knocking on the door*"Ah, Kayoba... just to let you know I've made all the preparations I think we will need... I hope you are feeling well.."

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 10 October 2011, 05:33:58
There is no reply but Laura is certain she can hear  faint sobbing from the inside & the door does not seem to be locked


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 10 October 2011, 08:10:48
Laura decides if what she thinks she can hear is correct, she can't leave him like this.

She quietly slips in to the room, and takes a look around.

(ooc the character sheet still hasn't arrived so I won't be able to roll anything)

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 10 October 2011, 15:34:21
OOC will post it again & also try to e-mail it as I think I can turn it into a document I can attach to stuff  may be a bit fiddly but I have worked out a way which should work

No stealth is really required to sneak up on Kayoba the room is the same lay out as every one else's with a large public area laid out with upholstered furniture with arch ways leading to a bathing area, toilet area which looks like something out of a science fiction show, and sleeping area which  features the biggest bed any individual could ever want to use  as well as a selection of chest and wardrobes to store your clothes and stuff. The sobbing is coming from the bedroom area where Kayoba is sitting amongst the wreck of his personal possessions.

They have all been dragged out of wherever they where stored and strewn about apparently by some one deranged. The huge bed has been upended against the far wall and is balanced on a pile of the luxurious bedding which has fallen form it as it was moved.

Kayoba is wearing the brown coarse monks robe and sobbing into a pillow he is hanging on to for grim death.


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 10 October 2011, 21:49:02
*carefully stepping over the ruined remains of the room, Laura picks her way over to Kayoba. She gently drops down beside him, resting her one arm around his neck/shoulders and her head on his other shoulder saying nothing*

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 11 October 2011, 04:44:50
Eventually Kayoba stops sobbing and mumbles in low realm "she murdered him you know" then  leans silently against Laura for some time before announcing in his best school masterly tone "This will not do, it really wont do"

He would appear to have snapped out of it


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 11 October 2011, 12:59:06
"You have a plan?"

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 11 October 2011, 21:39:31
Kayoba, smiles grimly "possibly but I fear it will have to wait until we have paid our keep here by our service to the seventh legion" he salutes Laura and begins to gather his belongings form the wreckage "I suppose you are ready,got ready whilst I was blubing like a child?"


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 12 October 2011, 01:50:45
*Laura nods, helping if she is able*

"I've made some preperations. Hopefully they should be enough for both of us, though I would advise checking they meet your requirements... I look forward to helping however I can."

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 12 October 2011, 15:48:28
Kayoba gives Laura a very strange look. "I will live with your preparations if they prove inadequate I have only myself to blame for being quite so useless" He smiles

"Who is going with us have they said yet or are they letting us have the run of River province to cause what havoc we may? He gathers up a change of clothes his weapons a common chopping sword  a recurved bow with a score of arrows and four throwing knives with carved bone handles and his armour a shark hide coat reinforced with plates of jade alloy as he speaks.

In the satchel which is the new portable Jedrt bed George rolls over and dreams of hunting a particularly juicy beetle


Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: Suicune on 17 October 2011, 20:22:56
(ooc sorry not been very good lately, been so busy!)

*Laura laughs* "They haven't said anyone is coming with us, but I doubt we will be given completely free reign... at first anyway. I'm sure there will be some leeway.... why?"

Title: Re: PreLude Talking to the high Command
Post by: EvilGinger on 17 October 2011, 20:47:38
OOC I know you have been off Gallivanting about all over the place & doing stuff its dreadful ;0

Organising his scant gear "I was wondering if they would be sending Korush with up I rather hope they dont as I have this feeling he is always up to something I won't like when or if I find out, but wont be able to do much about "

he gives Laure a meaning full look "lead on"

OOC the only one who goes with you is Jurvinal who appears to be a normal mortal and exactly what he seems a highly skilled travel guide, even observing him for the several weeks it takes to reach the village where Keral fire orchid is reported to be & I am now moving this onto the thread
