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General Community => Hitch Hikers Guide => Topic started by: RSSFeeder on 01 October 2011, 02:12:42

Title: ZZ9:ZZ9 Committee Nominations
Post by: RSSFeeder on 01 October 2011, 02:12:42
ZZ9 Committee Nominations

Ladies and gentlefroods,

The deadline for nominations and motions for the 2011 ZZ9 AGM has now passed.

It is my pleasure to announce the following nominations for committee posts (in no particular order)...

President: Robert Newman, Richard (Reg) Gray, and David Haddock

Secretary: No nominations

Membership Secretary: Paul Bowers 

Treasurer: No nominations

P.R. Officer: Alex McLintock

Meetings Organiser: No nominations

Merchandise Officer: Carrie Mowatt

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Source: ZZ9 Committee Nominations (