Title: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 27 September 2011, 22:32:51 Deep in the north west of the underworld is a tiny village of scarce a dozen lost souls all of whom seem to have starved to death judging by their gaunt faces and swollen belly's after a life of struggling to avoid it. Living, if the dead can be said to live, in relatively sheltered hollow in the midst of a wood of dead, mostly leafless wind blasted and stunted trees. In hovels made of hides stretched over large animal bones. All inside a rather pathetic stockade made of similar large bones part buried in the ground. The dead who are form the forest clans of the Moose tribe of the north east revere Alexander Gray as their leader and protector and are in total awe of Bob not only because he is their Chief and wise man's descendant, but because he is a dragon blooded hero and yet lives To be continued..... but feel free to start posting in reply >:DGinger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: Pug118 on 01 October 2011, 20:14:44 Bob quizes Grey on what is happening in this land and what he hopes Bob will be able to do?
Do the people of the village have any friends or allies that would aid them? Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 02 October 2011, 11:33:57 OOC most of the answers you want will be posted here shortly http://www.bigbangburgerbar.co.uk/Forum/index.php?topic=2181.msg7285#msg7285
Grey is very forthcoming as are the other ghosts but as Bob doesn't speak the tongue of the Moose people communication is a bit limited. However as some know a bit of English learned from Grey it is possible. >:DGinger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 03 October 2011, 15:03:01 Given the information posted above does Bob have any other questions or want to see & speak further to such potential allies there may be outside of the village?
>:Dginger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: Pug118 on 03 October 2011, 23:02:21 OOC: So the up shot is that Grey want's Bob to take care of the Bull of the Norths ghost?
The Bulls ghost is gathering forces and dominating the region, potentially in a bid to overthrow and avenge himself upon the northern Death Lord. Tepet Agram and the ghosts of the legions, that died fighting the Bull, are potential allies? OR Was Tepet Agram on his own? IC: Bob asks if the Death Lord is an allie or an enemy? Can Logir be trusted? He also asks how someone sets about killing what's already dead? OOC: I remember some discussion about the Death Realm being "wrong" or outwith the natural order of things. Does Bob know that In Character? There was also some mention of ghosts being stranded, rather than re-joining the wheel and being re-born. Again does Bob know that in character or is that depth of knowledge a bit too much? IC: If Bob is aware of the above - he tentatively broaches the subject with Grey. Why hasn't Grey moved on? What would happen to him, and his people, if the death realm were to be returned to the natural state? Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 03 October 2011, 23:23:55 OOC to answer those questions
1 Bob is pretty much correct Grey needs Bob to deal with the Bull's ghost as he is stirring up trouble now and it will get worse. 2 The Death Lord is an enemy but one who left us all alone because we were not important enough to bother with, which considering it was well beyond our power is a good thing & in return we did nothing to draw its interest onto us. 3 Logir wont lie and will help Grey thinks, but he has an agenda of his own he was a power in life and seeks to be one in death hence his clan of ghost kin Grey thinks Logir would be king 4 You kill them in the normal way if they are killed again in the underworld they pass on or pass into oblivion, in creation ghosts are generally immaterial spirits in the underworld they are vulnerable 5 Tepet Agram is alone as there are for some reason no ghosts of his fellows Quote OOC: I remember some discussion about the Death Realm being "wrong" or outwith the natural order of things. Does Bob know that In Character? There was also some mention of ghosts being stranded, rather than re-joining the wheel and being re-born. Again does Bob know that in character or is that depth of knowledge a bit too much? 6 Bob doesn't know that but he could find it out if he spoke to the right ghosts, so I wont answer the questions following till Bob has the information OOC what does Bob do next >:DGinger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: Pug118 on 05 October 2011, 21:54:08 Bob asks Grey to arrange a meeting with Tepet Agram and a separate meeting with Logir.
Bob, will ask Tepet Agram and Alexander Grey what they knows about the Bull. Where is he? What is the strength and disposition of his forces? How high a profile does Tepet have? Would he be recognised by the enemy? Is the Bull recruiting? How was he defeated in life? Is there anything we can use against him? Is Tepet open to allying with Bob, Grey and possibly Logir? What has Tepet discovered about the missing ghosts of his legion? Has Tepet gathered any followers outside of the missing legionaries? If so - How many and how effective are they? Cav, Inf, Skirmishers? Bob will ask Logir about his attitude to the Bull. Trying to find out if he's hostile towards him or considering allying with him. (OOC: Do I need to roll?) If his attitude is hostile, what is his relationship with Tepet like? (Assuming they have a relationship.) Is Logir open to allying with Bob, Grey and possibly Tepet? What are Logir's supporters like. Again trying to gauge strength. What does he know about the Bull? Alliances, troops, weaknesses, habits, anything that might be used against him? As Logir is an experienced shaman of the underworld, Bob also enquires about how one becomes a ghost? Why some ghosts are more powerful than others? Do they carry power through from life? Do they need to build/develop their powers in death? If so how? If Logir seems trustworthy, Bob will ask about the missing Legions? (OOC: Do I need to roll?) Throughout these discussions Bob is also trying to get a feel for the three characters motivations. Is Tepet only driven by vengeance or does he have an agenda? If they are successful, will Logir simply look to assume power? Will Bob be replacing one problem with an even bigger one? Would Logir make a benevolent ruler? Is Alexander Grey simply looking to return things to a quiet un-life or does he have another motive? Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 06 October 2011, 05:30:09 OOC have seen your post will respond to it in detail when I get back from the round
>:DGinger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 09 October 2011, 18:38:42 Speaking to Grey is the easiest first step as talking to either of the other two would require a trip out of the camp and a journey of some days to reach where they are or in Tepet Agram where they may be as he has been seen in several locations by hunters and seems not to want to stay too much in one place.
What Grey says when Bob questions him. The The Bulls main camp is beloved to be several weeks to the north and west of the Moose peoples camp on the edge of some sort of large body of water a lake or perhaps a sea, Grey is not sure as he has never been that far north and the hunters and gatherers of the moose people consider the place to be ill omened for some reason, but he has learned to respect the Moose peoples taboos as those he has investigated are there for good reason. The Bull seems to have a large number of ghosts with him, how many none of the locals are sure as they are mostly beyond the hunting ranges of the local clans. Large bodies of several hundred have been spotted apparently patrolling on and into the edges of the locals hunting range. The locals are frightened by these and avoid contact even if the ghosts seem to be form their own people and from reports whilst they are some sort of northerner many are foreigners as far as the local ghosts are concerned. Grey is not aware exactly how the Bull was defeated but there are rumours gathered form tribes nearer the area speak of a second great battle to the south east of his camp between his horde and more troops form the realm which though the realm force was much smaller went no where near as well as the first. Grey has an idea of something that can be used against him and his army a first age weapon which he believes has not fallen into the hands of any one else. he does not have details but its some sort of bomb which shreds souls Grey Has had several reports of Tepet and met him once, Grey is not sure what he wants beyond immediate survival in the underworld but he is defiantly looking for the ghosts of his fellows and Grey suspects a measure of revenge. Grey believes that The Bull is either unaware of the Tepet or unconcerned by him. Grey has not discussed alliances with Tepet or any one else but thinks both he and Logir will cover each others backs despite their differences. OOC to lean more of what if anything Grey might not be telling Bob roll Perception + Socialise, I could also do with an e-mail address to send Bobs character sheet to please PM me one. >:DGinger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: Pug118 on 11 October 2011, 23:14:23 How many dice do I need?
Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 11 October 2011, 23:41:25 OOC check your e-mail
until then roll four dice count 7+ as sucesses and 10 as two >:DGinger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: Pug118 on 12 October 2011, 22:22:08 Rolled 4d10 : 6, 3, 6, 10, total 25 +:beer=+::beer:Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 13 October 2011, 15:59:56 Grey seem to be hiding several things first you think he is not totally sure of Logr and this is something to do with them becoming more distant. He is also hiding his ignorance he is a youngish ghost younger than many here and a stranger to the Animal Peoples culture but the people here see him as some sort of a shaman a power bringing knowledge from beyond their ken. Grey is in a quiet way playing up to that role and Bob thinks that Grey sees himself as a fraud.
>:DGinger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: Pug118 on 08 November 2011, 22:42:50 Bob asks Grey about this weapon from the first age.
He asks how he heard about it? Where it is? and Who else knows about it? Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 09 November 2011, 23:26:22 Gray confesses that he was told about it by The Silent one on the one occasion that they spoke which was after Grey had finished his apprenticeship with Logir the silent one said that the ghosts of weapons used in anger sometimes made it to the underworld & that one such had been used hear abouts against the Fair folk horde during the Great Contagion which Grey understands as a plague as bad or worse than the medieval black death. Grey doesn't know where it is as he was not told so by the The Silent one but he believes that the The Silent one knows but he tried to talk to him about it when the Ghost of the Bull first appeared a a threat late last year and he lived up to his reputation and said nothing. he adds that he believes Logir might have also tried to talk to the The Silent one but got no reply & even Logir would fear such an Ancient ghost and be unable to make it divulge knowledge it did not want to. >:DGinger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: Pug118 on 07 December 2011, 23:30:11 Bob asks Gray how he appears to the dead?
Is he obviously different or could he pass for a ghost? How does Gray think the dead will react to a living soul amongst them? (Bob may also pose the same sort of questions to Logir to get a good another opinion.) Bob is thinking about scouting the Bulls territory and possibly joining his forces as an infiltrator. ;D Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 07 December 2011, 23:57:50 Grey says that that Bob could pass as one of the dead but for the the lack of a death mark upon him but Grey believes this could be faked with care. The other distinctive thing about Bob is the armour but jade armour is not unknown in the underworld even if its rare like every other material artefact up here in the desolate north.
Grey is unsure how other ghosts would react to the living as the villagers are resonantly friendly knowing he is kin to there wise man, Logir & the Tepet ghost where also fairly friendly even if in Logirs case a bit guarded & in the Tepet's case interested in the events in the realm since his death. >:DGinger Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: Pug118 on 02 January 2012, 22:21:07 With Greys help, Bob decides to try and take on the guys of one of the dead.
Bob plans to try and insinuate himself amongst the recruits to the Bulls forces, scouting the area to gather more information. He will share this with Grey and Tepet, but will not tell Logir just yet. Bob, will travel towards the Bulls camp/stronghold practicing his new powers and the use of his weapons as he travels. (Having gathered provisions etc. Bob will need to learn from Grey, what passes for currency in this realm and how he will feed himself. Do the dead eat?) Bob will look for traveling companions and possible allies as he travels. Should Grey or Tepet offer to join Bob he will accept, but on the provision that it is for the journey only. They will need to reassess who enters the Bulls camp if or when they come to it. Bob is unsure how Tepet will perform undercover and is concerned he will be unable to control his hatred. Bob's also not sure about leading Grey into danger and leaving the villagers without their wiseman. If Grey offers to accompany Bob: Bob will share his concerns with him. He will also ask Grey for his opinion about telling Logir of their plan and possibly asking Logir to accompany them. Title: Re: The Villaige of the Moose Peoples Ghosts Post by: EvilGinger on 03 January 2012, 17:40:44 OOC PUG got this will post I will work out what happens & post it shortly
>:DGinger |