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The Cellar => Shackled City - Adventure Path => Topic started by: Deebee on 14 April 2008, 11:45:26

Title: 01.08 Bargaining for children with Kazmogen
Post by: Deebee on 14 April 2008, 11:45:26

Title: Thats a familiar name
Post by: slug on 14 April 2008, 18:19:50
Ok well there we were in a Mexican Standoff situation. Low on hit points
low on spells surrounded by the enemy with our escape route cut off. So
this dude

[DSB] Kazmogen, half-dwarf/half-troll

wants to talk and we ask him about the missing kids. Turns out he's been
running a slaver operation from beneath the city and flogging them to
the denizens of the underworld.

[DSB] Putting 2 and 2 together you realise that he employed the Skulks
and Dark Creepers to do the abductions (seeing as they had +22 on their
hide skills - now you know why you could hardly ever see them :o   )

If we want the kids back then we are going to have to bid against this
half Duergar half Demon thing

[DSB] Duzegon (I need to check this bit of info though)

who was here to buy them. The price of entry was the stuff we'd found on
the lower levels so being the semi good guy I am we opted to give back
the loot we'd got from the lower level and bid for the kids.
Well anyway Mr Half-breed got a bit uppy about this especially when
halfway through this beholder appears,

[DSB] Kazmogen referred to him by name (Vhalantru) which he was a little
upset about

snaffles one of the kids (who he calls by name)

[DSB] Terrem Kharalys (9 yrs old)

and takes him off back to the orphanage (yeh you heard it, a kid with a
beholder guardian!, I wanna be in HIS good books!).
So after some haggling we got the

[DSB] Remaining 3 (Deakon Stormshield 12, Evelyn Radavec 9, Lucinda
Aldreen 8)

kids back and left pretty smartish, informed the authorities and got in
the towns good books (for now, I'm sure that'll change pretty soon).
Well that was that got some gold and baubles and stuff which we duly
flogged and portioned out the cash. Then we got asked to go and help
this priest who was in a spot of bother at this Inn (something Monkey?
was it called?)

[DSB] Lucky Monkey

. but thats another story......