Title: The End of the Begining a Parting of Ways Post by: EvilGinger on 15 September 2011, 18:44:39 The dust settles after the calibration party to end all calibration party's and those who survived come to terms with what has happened & plan for a very different and uncertain future.
to be continued.... >:DGinger Title: Re: The End of the Begining a Parting of Ways Post by: EvilGinger on 25 September 2011, 21:11:19 This is the end of chapter IV & as such I am going to hand out some serous experience points to every one I am just thinking just how many as in part they will also cover the months spent with the people form Looksy in the underground base in Nexus or the education given to Bob in the underworld by the ghost of his grandfather & the ghosts of the village he looks after. When I have I will post in the experience points thread.
The transports slimmed low over the Blessed isle travelling a weaving path deftly avoiding all large population centres even though they where wreathed in the fields of first age stealth technology one couldn't be too careful when to be seen would cause a war between the Realm and Lookshy neither could afford. Then drooped to zero feet and turned for Nexus flying just over the waves of the middle sea for most of the night so that as dawn approached the thee of them crossed the coast just north of that Metropolis before turning south and diving into its heart. Finally landing in the court yard of what appeared to be a tea house in a pleasant suburb, not that any on board where aware of that as a variant of the same shogunate technology which had been used on Sunny Vale had put them all asleep as they crossed the coast. to be continued...... >:Dginger Title: Re: The End of the Begining a Parting of Ways Post by: EvilGinger on 28 September 2011, 16:49:06 Every one who had been rescued awoke in secure quarters deep underground at the Eastern defence Centre under nexus, the Solars and the Lunar having been separated from the rest and kept in stasis using first age technology whilst the high command decided what to do with them. This process included all of the terrestrials and others being questioned by agents of the high command intelligence staff several times over a period of weeks before the Celestials where woken up and also questioned in some depth before they where allowed to meet up with every one else.
Even then all where kept under close observation as they where seen as somthing of a potential threat even if for some reason Korush seemed to be certain that they where not. to be continued..... >:DGinger |