Title: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Session 6 write up Post by: Arnu on 25 August 2011, 03:16:30 Session 6 - Forsaken Bounty Part VI - Claiming the Bounty (24th August
2011) Players (Alex, Bob, Chell, Chris, Jamie, Jason, Simon & Vince) Location: The Emperor's Bounty, The Battleground, Koronus Expanse Events: The explorers made their way from the enginseers room to the bridge. They found that the husks furthest away from the bridge were barely animate and unaware of them. As they reached the upper levels (and away from the areas they controlled) they met greater resistance. They met a sealed door which they managed to force open (but Remmii the Navigator) had to remove his void suit to get through (he was attacked by a servo-skull, which was easily destroyed by Severus Dorn(Jason)). Sissy used her Man-portable Lascannon to destroy the barricade blocking the way to the bridge. On the bridge the explorers managed to kill Orden (the thrall of the Psycarus worm) with a mix of telekinesis, and a volley of hellfire shots. They death throes of Orden released a blast of profane energy that cause everyone to be sick and effected Adequin worse driving him in to a withdrawn state. The explorers decided to contain the now dormant Psycharus Worm in to a stasis tube (after realising that they could not destroy it). Title: Re: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Session 6 write up Post by: Dat on 25 August 2011, 17:36:09 nice to know the worm has a name. :D Don't like the word 'dormant'. :-[
Title: Re: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Session 6 write up Post by: EvilGinger on 25 August 2011, 21:14:27 neither would I but it should be safe if no one messes with the Stasis cube its in
>:DGinger Title: Re: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Session 6 write up Post by: Hard Rain on 25 August 2011, 23:20:47 very funny since when can a player resist that sort of thing
Title: Re: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Session 6 write up Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 26 August 2011, 01:47:27 very funny since when can a player resist that sort of thing (http://i53.tinypic.com/6ixout.jpg) Question is; What's your pleasure sir? Title: Re: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Session 6 write up Post by: Tombwalker on 27 September 2011, 21:45:23 What does this red button do?
:-\ Oh yeah, that's the one for expresso coffee. ::) |