Title: A policemans Lot NPC Descriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 12 July 2011, 04:05:03 Notable NPC character descriptions Miyoxi Tiholu Looks in all ways like the average realm citizen, from one of the northern provinces, he is in fact form Chanos Prefecture, of average hight a shade under 5' 10" fairish skinned though he has tanned as dark as any easterner in the hot southern sun black straight hair with a slight and to him annoying tendency to curl cropped off at the collar dark eyed, defiantly not handsome but not ugly either. He favours sober and conservative clothing in strong but undemonstrative colours & his armour and weapons are simple & rather plain with the plates on his buff coat for example though jade alloy being undecorated. He is also the sort of man who draws the attention of women but is usually utterly oblivious to it >:DGinger Title: A policemans Lot NPC Descriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 12 July 2011, 04:09:42 Gelmuxi Yofahu
Tall, just under six feet, slender and very athletic with a mop of dark hair intermixed with strands of wiry copper & grey eyes which sparkle even in the dark with an inner fire. He is never still and yet there is an elegance to his movements which move it beyond simple fidgeting. He exudes a world weary confidence combined with a restless energy, which belies his age which is only a few months past twenty. He dresses in the uniform of the 47th legion in which he is an officer and is never unarmed or unarmoured >:DGinger Title: A policemans Lot NPC Descriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 16 July 2011, 22:12:29 Alixdar Etreniankor
Short stocky with medium brown hair, & now rather wildly bearded he looks for all the world like any other wandering mercenary soldier down on his luck & out of work. he however has piecing grey eyes and the loom of a man who sees further than other men perhaps further than he would wish to see. He wears patched trews and Realm style infantry boots, an old buff coat, over an eastern style laced tunic, his weapons all seem to be old and well used. his company looks more like an armed group of refugees especially as it seems to include the families of at least some of its soldiers. >:DGinger Title: A policemans Lot NPC Descriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 18 July 2011, 04:18:24 Mennemon Jaxut
A tall very handsome athletic man appearing to be in his early twenties of fairly typical realm appearance, with long dark almost black hair and a fair complexion marbled with veins on his fore arms and calves. he has very piercing pale blue eyes. To those who know what to look for he exhibits all the signs of a high level of breeding and is showing more as he gets older most noticeably he does not sweat or tan and should he cry his tears will be of crystal. >:DGinger Title: A policemans Lot NPC Descriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 18 July 2011, 04:27:12 Pig
Small scrawny girl of about ten years old by appearance an easterner with dark sole full eyes and rather swarthy complexion highlighted rather oddly with freckles on her hands and face. She seems always on the look out for something and seems more like a small animal than a child and is always hungry. >:DGinger Title: Re: A policemans Lot NPC Descriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 06 August 2011, 19:14:57 Ledaal Kayoba
Tall perhaps slightly over six feet with straight raven black hair which he wears long in a simple pony tail angular features and ice blue eyes which some times glitter as ice might in the sunlight. He wears no obvious armour, though he may wear mail under his lose clothes, instead preferring something which looks rather like an oriental monks tunic & trousers. He dose not t habitually carry weapons but when armed he carries a light Slashing sword a metal buckler with a pair of darts clipped to it & the ubiquitous Lookshy patten hunting knife He seems a bit other worldly & sees all the world as something to study & all the people in it as something to teach something he is rather good at >:DGinger |