Title: Nefvarin Korush's private musings Post by: EvilGinger on 06 August 2011, 12:05:45 Korush was angry at first as he couldn't see what his commanding officer was playing at and at first glance or even after several the whole idea seemed foolish and very, very risky, he was he knew a very valuable asset to the high command which Rochina should know. Korush slept on it and as was his habit since childhood discussed it with the Dragon’s
On waking he was no happier with the plan however it did occur to him that it would mean he got to have a look at the Realm under cover of being associated with some of its hero’s of the moment and that was something few agents of Lookshy of his rank and experience got, and that was interesting and if he got out with that information possibly valuable but the risks where very high and the damage what he knew could do to Lookshy should he be captured & interrogated meant it wasn’t going to be allowed to happen he swore that by the dragons’. He prepared himself for the role of Alixdar’s scout and he hoped the confidant of the Ingeshii barbarians. Alixdar was also a friend worth cultivating as he and his dwindling band had shown a level of skill courage and audacity he as a career soldier could only admire and as a fellow easterner they also had that in common even if Alixdar had been the servant of a client king of the River confederations greatest enemy the domain of Thorns, before its fall to the Dead. Pig was also worth cultivating as the child had a hold on Laura’s affections and possibly the other two Ingeshii. The Ingeshii if the ravings of wing commander Alexander Grey where to be believed, loved their children very much as whole entries in the journal where about his. He wished he could recall those children’s names. He also prepared himself to deal with their other two dragon blooded friends should the need arise, he was no assassin by choice but killing the enemies of the seventh legion was the habit and occupation of a life time, of course if he could persuade them that their proper interests lay in Lookshy then that would save him having to kill them. >:DGinger Title: Re: Nefvarin Korush's private musings Post by: EvilGinger on 28 August 2011, 20:44:10 Korush sat in the posture of meditation and cleaned and oiled his bow taking pleasure in the simple act of routine maintenance, he had been in the field too long and it was too long since he had had the chance simply to sit and do such things. It was he thought a long time since he had been home a very long time. Given what was coming with his visit to the Realm which he was rather looking forward to. He wondered idly if they might visit the ruins of Meru the old shogunate capital, he had always wanted to visit there after a while he put away his bow and drew his hinting knife turning it and watching the reflections in its burnished Oracalcum blade. Korush supposed he would have to leave that behind when he sailed for the Realm after all they might think him anathema and explaining that it was a reward for slaying one would rather give him away as a seventh legion spy >:DGinger Title: Re: Nefvarin Korush's private musings Post by: EvilGinger on 16 September 2011, 22:01:33 Korush sat in the transport as it soared away from the Villa of Sunny Vale, and acoss the wide lands of the Blessed isle skirting the imperial mountain before turning east and heading out to sea. Outwardly he was calm and composed as ever a man who was master of his situation, but but inside he was less calm the effluent had verily hit the fan & he had had to order a combat extraction . Ok so no shots had actually been fired but there had been a company of Gunzoxa deployed on realm territory quite prepared to take on the Realm's armed might if they had had to. That they had not had to would make explaining to the high command no easier however and he would be the one to face them and do it not Rochina his supervisor who after all was only responsible for the initiation of the mission not its outcome, who was any way in Yane and a long way from having to talk to the high command in person.
However this is a situation which we can turn to our advantage he thought depending on quite what the sausages we have pulled out of the fire are. Korush sat apparently meditating as the transports crossed the coast unnoticed hidden by stealth screening impenetrable now the systems of the imperial manse where untended trying the guess what he had in hand. Three Solars and a Lunar for sure what castes this he would have to guess the Jedrt likely a full moon though Lunar castes where not stable nowadays as they once had been, the Solars his best guess would be the mercenary either Dawn or Zenith the Sesus woman Zenith Twilight or Eclipse and the little thief probably Night, & what of the other one he had met in Kirighast had they got to the safe house in Nexus. He did not know but he hoped The transports cut through the air heading east low over the sea as the sun set behind them on the Last day of Calibration. >:DGinger |