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Gaming Groups => Policeman's lot => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 28 July 2011, 01:27:02

Title: The Distant future
Post by: EvilGinger on 28 July 2011, 01:27:02
The woman who had once long ago been Laura Henderson, casually  rubbed her right thigh tracing the outline of an ancient scar, remembering the battle where she had got it where she had started to tread the path that lead here. To the bridge of a merchant starship adrift a thousand light years from settlement let alone civilization.....


Title: Re: The Distant future
Post by: Suicune on 28 July 2011, 02:07:39
I'm genuinely curious how this came about and if we'll ever get to see it ^^

Title: Re: The Distant future
Post by: EvilGinger on 30 July 2011, 20:47:06
You will see & it might still not happen or happen to some one other than Laura it could  be Bob or Fran or any one else


Title: Re: The Distant future
Post by: Hard Rain on 01 August 2011, 15:56:44
Suicune ignore him he is playing with your head he does that evil git that he is and the more you let him the more he does it, If I where you which thank god for your sakes I am not I would slap him when next you meet.

Title: Re: The Distant future
Post by: EvilGinger on 11 August 2011, 17:52:04
The one who had once been Bob Beverbrook stopped, rested the Great Jade Grand Goremaul, lifted his helm to wipe the  sweat from his brow  and draw breath.  The air around him was hot hot as hell which  was not far from the truth as the Yozis who remained had taken creation and scoured the underworld besieged heaven and having broken in where driving the last loyalist forces back street by street, palace by palace through the city.

Many, most,  of his friends where dead or worse and the gods where changing sides with some of the most mighty of them going back and growling at the feet of those who where once their masters and would be again if not stopped. Though the one who had once been Bob Beverbrook had now idea how, or that he had any option than to make the bastards pay.....
