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The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: BaldLea on 12 July 2011, 14:04:27

Title: Dark Heresy 12th July
Post by: BaldLea on 12 July 2011, 14:04:27
Nicodemus has led the group to the heavily quarantined agricultural world Orbel Quill (Nicodemus' home planet) to bury the charred remains of Quinn's hand along with his possesions (but not those magazines with the crusty pages). Quinn had always wanted to start a life on a world with fields and a proper sky.

No one on Orbel Quill lives beyond the age of 40 so what heresy has led to a 60 year old woman being found in the capital city of Youngston? If only there were some representatives of the Emperor's Inquisition on-world who could look into this.

(Please could whoever has the character sheets bring them along?)

Title: Re: Dark Heresy 12th July
Post by: Ross on 12 July 2011, 14:09:23
However, in view of the fact that there is no such capable group, the Emperor, in his Divine Wisdom, has seen fit to send us instead.

Emperor help the residents that we shall find there- particularly anyone with a wart, unusually pronounced features or Ginger hair- any of which will no doubt lead Sister Brigitte in particular to flame them!

Sturm shall be there. (sans character sheet, unless someone else has it!)

Title: Re: Dark Heresy 12th July
Post by: BigBird on 12 July 2011, 14:56:48
I am planning on getting there tonight, just leaving Coventry.

Title: Re: Dark Heresy 12th July
Post by: Deebee on 12 July 2011, 16:00:56
People need to die?

Excellent. ;D

Darkness will be there to provide his termination services... (I have my sheet)


Title: Re: Dark Heresy 12th July
Post by: Hard Rain on 12 July 2011, 17:57:14
Sorry to but in but Dark Heresy is my favourite game so it would be lovely to find out what goes on in your session particularly as my group  evaporated late last year & I need my fix.

Title: Re: Dark Heresy 12th July
Post by: Adam on 12 July 2011, 19:21:50
Hmmm, most interesting on two levels.
A medicae quandary to solve. Knowledge is indeed power.

And further proof that flesh is weak.

All hail the Omnissiah and his magnificent works

..umm and the Emperor.

Ferrous Plias will be there.

Title: Re: Dark Heresy 12th July
Post by: Adam on 12 July 2011, 19:28:08
Pliers would like to point out that the magazines with the crusty edges would mulch down a treat and enrich the soil greatly. It is an agri planet after all.
Waste not want not.

That said we could have just fed them and Quinn's remains into the recyc on Scintilla and fed a family of four off them.

He would further like to point out that "Sentiment" is another word for inefficiency.