Title: Policemans Lot - Charactor discriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 09 July 2011, 05:34:30 It occurs to me that it would be nice to know what your character looks like & that you should post somthing along these lines here there will as ever be experience points in this for you & trust me I know where you are going and you will need every one of them you can get.
>:DGinger Title: Re: Policemans Lot - Charactor discriptions Post by: Hard Rain on 10 July 2011, 19:20:45 Here goes though you wont have met her yet & I will be directing things form my distant fastness via EVILGINGER
Erozillia A Small woman, 4'11 stocky but lean with it, with the general look of a north easterner, appearing to be in her late twenties but actually some what older than that but no one is quite sure how as she was born to a tribe that did not keep count of such things. She is a skilled healer with a knowledge of mortal magic & She seeks to acquire all she can of occult lore though her exact reasons for being so very far from home and alone are not something she will discuss. She wears her hair long and loose as it is the mourning custom of her people to do so an heavily embroidered ankle length cream dress, its the colour of unbleached wool. She goes bare foot & carries a ruck sack & a walking staff as well as a bone handled knife. In the pack she has her small personal possessions including a change of clothes which is a small man's tunic & trews both plain & unadorned with the trews brown & the tunic black wool. I may add to this latter but I hope that will do for now. Title: Re: Policemans Lot - Charactor discriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 10 July 2011, 21:18:30 very cool if a bit on the short side, what about every one else though
>:DGinger Title: Re: Policemans Lot - Charactor discriptions Post by: Suicune on 11 July 2011, 02:58:55 Laura Description
Standing at 5'6, Laura has light blonde hair and blue eyes. Prior to her jaunt to the dawn age she had been fit and healthy enough, but never very thin what with her fondness for a gin and tonic at the pub with her fellow officers. Her hair had been kept to just above her ears in a pixie crop. Practical, but still feminine had been the aim, as it was with most of her appearance. Despite her beat patrol keeping her outside often she had still been rather pale because of the lack of sunlight. Her civvie clothing had always remained quite feminine, a contrast to the hard wearing policemans uniform she usually lived in. She liked to wear dresses, though still with sensible flat shoes, and she had to be able to get a stab vest over or under it. When she landed in the dawn age she had been wearing a two-tone knee length blue dress, though that had gradually been torn more and more to clean wounds and wash herself and George before being abandoned. However since her arrival in creation Laura had changed quite dramatically. With all the exercise she was doing coupled with the basic food they were eating she had trimmed down, and become quite athletic. The pixie cut had grown much longer, and her blonde hair now touched her shoulders. Her previously pale skin had gradually tanned with the relentless desert sun. She had acquired a salwar kameez to replace her ruined dress, keeping to the blue theme, the trousers were a lighter blue than the rest of the outfit. Title: Re: Policemans Lot - Charactor discriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 11 July 2011, 11:38:25 Very Cool I shall get on with posting descriptions of the key NPC's
>:DGinger Title: Re: Policemans Lot - Charactor discriptions Post by: Hard Rain on 11 July 2011, 16:25:14 get on with it then or I shall smite you as I have mastered that feature :D
Title: Re: Policemans Lot - Charactor discriptions Post by: EvilGinger on 11 July 2011, 20:08:37 I ginger dare you :P
Fran Stanway Stands about 5' 1 with with muddy brown eyes and the sort of face that is neither pretty nor plain but which is easily forgotten, she has slightly unruly mid length mousy brown hair, and seems smaller shorter & much younger than she is most people would take her for fifteen and believe her if she said fourteen. She is however stronger & tougher than she looks for the air of heaven & the food of heaven where she has lived these twenty years have served her well. In the modern world she favoured dull coloured clothing & was never seen without trousers & hiking boots & often wore a jacket and a hooded top regardless of the weather to hid the fact that she carried a bowie type knife and a fine mail shirt under it. In the dawn age she is a little more flamboyant She hides her hair under a soft felt cap held in place with a small silk turban having shed the jacket & the hooded top wearing the mail openly over a quilted silk vest and plain long sleeved tunic with a sword on one hip & the knife on the other, and seems rather boyish. >:DGinger Title: Re: Policemans Lot - Charactor discriptions Post by: Raksi on 13 July 2011, 12:11:29 Cathak Garel Anarith
Anarith stands at a height of 5' 7" Her long crimson hair short and wild a long braid extending down her back to her waist. Her eyes shining like rubys gentle yet fierce. Her body lean and athletic encased in a red jade breastplate with a simple yet ornate pattern as one would expect from the realm. Her forearms covered likewise with ornate bracers of jade like 2 dragons claws clasped around her hands a bright crystal inset into the back of the right hand. a split skirt of red and pink silks hanging loosly from her thin waist a decortive belt clasping it tightly to her waist her feet covered in likewise red fabircs to cover the otherwise plain greaves to protect her feet. The woman unmistakably that of a dragon blooded. Strapped across the rather flamboyant fire aspects back sits a menacing blade of red jade exceeding her height at an angle where it barely reachs off the ground its blade a foot in width the blade covered in ancient runes and patterns an ancient blade handed down through the generations. Created purely for the purposes of rending any and all foes asunder. Title: Re: Policemans Lot - Charactor discriptions Post by: Pug118 on 27 July 2011, 19:28:54 PC Robert Beverbrook (or Bob, just Bob)
Bob is around 5'10" and of medium, but strong working/sporting build. Bob has short brown hair and green eyes, his features are fairly plain with the notable exception of a haired lip. Bob studyed history at university and learent all sorts of useful things, unfortunately not too many of them were imediately applicable to the work force. He spent a year or so traveling, during which time he picked up some language skills, before deciding to return home and join the police force. Bob takes little interest in his appearence and is either found in his uniform, which he manages to maintain reasonably well (or at least he thinks so, inspite of what the duty sgt might say), or his obligatory jeans, walking shoes and shirt. |