Title: StarWars Minis August 2011 @ Spirit Games Post by: CrazyFrog on 03 July 2011, 15:28:21 Start time 11:00 in the shop, heading to the cafe for lunch between 1:00 / 2:00
Squad build: 100pts constructed. Tournement over 3 rounds, games played by ranking winners and highest score. Any questions please PM me. Cheers CrazyFrog Title: Re: StarWars Minis August 2011 @ Spirit Games Post by: EvilGinger on 03 July 2011, 19:04:43 Very cool & posted on the Face Book group "Friends of Spirit Games" as an in shop event
I would consider joining in but my rather merge collection of star wars minis are still packed from the move. >:DGinger Title: Re: StarWars Minis August 2011 @ Spirit Games Post by: CrazyFrog on 13 August 2011, 20:42:08 Build: 100pts Constructed