Title: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Post by: Arnu on 01 July 2011, 03:39:53 Here is the thread for my Rogue Trader game.
Firstly can I ask what name you have choosen for your ship and characters Here is the crew roster as I know it so far (Vince) Lady-Captain Victionia - Rogue Trader (Bob) First Officer - ? - Arch-Militant (Simon) Master-at-Arms Adequin Nine Void-Master (Alex) Master of Ordinance - ? - Arch-Militant (Chris) Warp Guide - ? - Navigator (Jamie) Choir Master Telepathica - ? - Astropath Transcendant (Michelle) Chief Chirurgeon - ? - Missionary Was there anything that needed resloving or querying from last Wednesday Title: Re: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Post by: Dat on 01 July 2011, 13:41:20 Can i get more examples of 40k names from somewhere other than the core book?
Title: Re: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Post by: EvilGinger on 02 July 2011, 00:06:16 lots of fan sites exist but they tend to change a lot as GW legal has a go at them for IP infringement so Google is your friend here.
>:DGinger Title: Re: Arnu's Rogue Trader Game Post by: Arnu on 02 July 2011, 00:32:59 lots of fan sites exist but they tend to change a lot as GW legal has a go at them for IP infringement so Google is your friend here. >:DGinger Dat you may want to have a look at the Fantasy Flight Website as there is a random name generator. http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite_sec.asp?eidm=50&esem=4 (http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite_sec.asp?eidm=50&esem=4) It might give you an idea on a character name you like (name tend to be archaic and gothic sounding) |