Title: Into the Horizon Post by: Zarniwoop on 22 June 2011, 01:44:32 After over half a decade of publishing Wings of War (http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite.asp?eidm=24&enmi=Wings%20of%20War), the card and miniatures game of nail-biting WWI and WWII aerial combat, we at Fantasy Flight Games (http://www.fantasyflightgames.com) must announce that we will no longer offer future releases in this line.
While our current Wings of War stock will remain available until it is gone, all future products in this line will be handled directly by NG International (http://www.nexusgames.com/home.asp). We would like to thank NG International for the success of the past six years, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Fans seeking more information on Wings of War should contact NG International through their website (http://www.nexusgames.com/nexus.asp?op=contact). Wings of War is an innovative card game that realistically simulates aerial combat in both World War I and World War II. Add highly detailed miniatures or massive maps to further immerse yourself in the nail-biting action! Title: Re: Into the Horizon Post by: EvilGinger on 22 June 2011, 04:11:39 Interesting but I hope not too concerning about the future of what is a very simple but very good game
I will have to look at the new site & add to this. Having scanned the release I am relived to find that it sounds positive & it should not affect us as end customer as I think the rest of the distribution channel will remain the same. >:DGinger Title: Re: Into the Horizon Post by: EvilGinger on 10 March 2013, 22:00:33 The planes from Wings of War series one are re-released for Wings of glory & they are every bit as nice as they ever where. With four different planes of three types DR1 Albatros DV Spad 13 & Sopwith Camel
>:DGinger |