Title: traveler the New Era Post by: EvilGinger on 17 March 2008, 09:32:00 Just to say if any one is interested I want to run this, I have all the books and have an adventure in mind called into the new era where the crew of the ISS Mollygatherer has an unexpected end to a routine mail run.
Title: Re: traveler the New Era Post by: Zarniwoop on 17 March 2008, 12:52:30 Like Traveller will play... Subject to availability.. Have TNE rulebook as well ;)
Title: Re: traveler the New Era Post by: pagbsc on 20 March 2008, 00:41:14 I'd be up for it, dependent on time and place. Maybe I can buy that Recreational Dolphin this time around!
Title: Re: traveler the New Era Post by: EvilGinger on 24 March 2008, 09:37:04 time and place are still to be arranged and I am still plotting it out likely to run at either the coopers or the lair probably on a Thursday night
Title: Re: Traveler the New Era Post by: EvilGinger on 11 March 2012, 22:48:43 A long time since I posted any thing here & I have moved twice since I did but I now have a full set of the TNE rule books & would be more than happy to run a game on the proposed one Saturday a month session as planed to cover the current hiatus in the left hand rule activity.
I dont have a particular setting in mind within the period & would even be happy to run a game set in the original Traveller setting using TNE rules as they are my favourite of the many iterations of Traveller I have come across if any one would be interested please tell me >:DGinger |