Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => Welcome => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 10 March 2008, 21:24:11

Title: Welcome SecretHamster
Post by: Zarniwoop on 10 March 2008, 21:24:11
Welcome SecretHamster to the Big Bang Burger Bar.

I hope you will find us all friendly and welcoming.
Feel free to join in conversations and please do reply telling us a little about yourself.

Title: Re: Welcome SecretHamster
Post by: SecretHamster on 19 March 2008, 15:47:48
Well dudes, I'm one of the invaders from the North come to recce what you southern boys are doing.

I run an Earthdawn campaign every other week at the meet, and also looking to run a Serenity one-shot a number of times in the alternate weeks.

I've been a RPGer since my school days. Started with AD&D, WHFRP, Judge Dredd, Paranoia et al. Also did alot of tabletop wargaming too. After a break of far too many years I'm back in the swing.

I also play DnD3.5 at another group on a Friday night. Doubt I'll be able to attend much though I hope maybe to partake in a few of the special events.

Title: Re: Welcome SecretHamster
Post by: Arnu on 08 April 2008, 19:48:35
Talking of special events

In May Spirit Games hold Beer & Pretzels gaming weekend in Burton upon Trent

and we are running the Raiders of the Game Cupboard gaming day on 28th June.