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Gaming Groups => Oldest Heresy => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 14 June 2011, 05:08:24

Title: Confessionarium of Brother Dorn of the Dark Angels, on attachment to DEATH WATCH
Post by: EvilGinger on 14 June 2011, 05:08:24
Brother Dorn sat in the armoury quietly reciting the rites of cleaning as he repeated the familiar task of striping cleaning and oiling his bolter he did this several times each time raising the unloaded weapon to his shoulder & incanting the rite of accurate shooting as he pulled the trigger. when he was content that his bolter was properly fettled for the coming battle he turned to his bolt pistol & repeated the process ending with ritually sharpening the heavy marine combat knife which was the last of his weapons. That done he straped himself into the armour that was like a second skin to him picked up his weapons & strode forth ready for action.

to be continued


Title: Re: Confessionarium of Brother Dorn of the Dark Angels, on attachment to DEATH WATCH
Post by: EvilGinger on 17 July 2011, 18:38:16
So he had gone on his first mission with Death watch & it looked to be his last, every Dark Angel knew, and every marine for that matter should, such a time must come when he would die over come by foes on some field of honour or another he had hoped however that he would do so amongst his battle brothers of the Dark Angels not these strangers. Still he would give them the satisfaction of showing them how a Dark Angel faced his doom calmly determinedly and making very bolt count....

He checked his bolter ran over the rites of maintenance in the field, removed the magazine from which he had fired his single shot and replaced it with a fully  loaded one, checked his grenades before handing them to Brother Dravidus for his Death Charge.

to be continued?


Title: Re: Confessionarium of Brother Dorn of the Dark Angels, on attachment to DEATH WATCH
Post by: EvilGinger on 02 October 2011, 15:42:02
As the after echo's of Bolter fire and the sharper crack of the zenos plasma cannons faded his thoughts turned to what could be done next other than die well which looked almost inevitable. it quickly became apparent that the situation was grimier than it appeared at first several  ships had left warp in system  and where inbound. The Fiat Imperialis had identified all of them as Imperial but not of classes deployed to the segmentum fleet  unable to identify them as positively friendly and all the ships being of cruiser class or larger had withdrawn to observation range, being only a frigate and a lightly armed one at that.

The incoming squadron closed with the fortress monastery and where identified as three heavy cruisers and an ancient grand cruiser, by the sesorium of the fortress monastery. The squadron made no attempt to hail the Fortress monastery or to in any way identify itself  but from beyond the weapons range of the Fortress monasteries  great guns several salvoes of torpedoes where launched. In response to this hostile act Brother Dravidus demanded that Brother Maleficius try to activate the Fortresses point defence it already having been discovered that the great guns where not yet operational.

This Maleficius seemed rather reluctant to do as he was more interested in the persistent knocking which was apparently coming from the service ducts above the gunnery suite, which Brother Dorn believed was one of the Zenos scout devices seeking access to deliver the coup de grace. Maleficius was not very successful only managing to get the use of one lone point defence cannon  which failed to hit any of the incoming missiles as the machine spirits of system had not forgiven Brother Dravidus for the slaughter of there kin in the command centre for heresy. The missiles  impacted and where revealed to be five boarding torpedoes and a number of dummies and low yield suppression missiles. The last to impact where the Boarding torpedoes which hammered through the fortress monasteries great landing bay doors disgorging five tactical squads of as far as could be seen on the the fortress monasteries internal cameras normal space marines thought the armour was of an unfamiliar mark and the tactical deployment though sound not codex as far as Brother Dorn could see.

Brother Ulfrik  as acting sergeant ordered a warning about the Zenos to be sent to the unfamiliar space marines and they replied saying that they where a strike group form the Grey Angels chapter, which Brother Dorn nor any one else had ever heard of. This made Brother Dorn suspicious chaos was oft given to ruses and as far as he was aware most surviving Imperial grand cruisers where in the hands of the Arch-enemy

Who ever they really where their arrival did draw the extensive Zenos force who where besieging the command centre away leaving only a watch group of the small flyers which had been initially encountered scattered around the muster hall.


Title: Re: Confessionarium of Brother Dorn of the Dark Angels, on attachment to DEATH WATCH
Post by: EvilGinger on 03 October 2011, 21:57:55
Brother Ulfrik then decided to help the new space marines if they where as they appeared to him not chaos and that a visit to the Fortress monasteries armoury would be in order, however Brother Ulfrik felt a indirect approach would be most useful as the Zenos had nearly overwhelmed us in its initial effort and several of us where sore wounded. To this end we investigated the source of the taping which proved to be Death Whisper battle code generated by a neophyte survivor. This survivor requested he kill himself, but Brother Ulfrik would not let him saying he needed to redeem himself before he faced his emperor. Strangely at the mention of our fathers father the emperor Brother Maleficus who is normally quite voluble fell silent.

Brother Ulfrik's plan was to have the Neophyte who had escaped the Zenos by means of the Fortress Monasteries labyrinth of ducts and conduits lead him and Brother Maleficus to the main armoury where with the aid of the the Neophyte Brother Maleficus would gain access to that store of arms so that this wargear which had remained silent because of the swiftness and unexpected origin of the Zenos strike could be at least used to avenge its holders defeat. This would require they remove there armour & bulky wargear & leave it in the keeping of the three wounded battle brothers including myseslf.

Brother Maleficus was very reluctant to do and said that his armour being of the Adeptus mechanicus as well or the Astartes should be passed into the keeping only of an other similarly initiated. However  Brother Ulfrik prevailed upon him to comply and so he did insisting that his armour be placed in a position of honour and left with the proper ritual.  Brother Maleficus further bid us not listen to the ritual as it was sacred to the Adeptus mechanicus and could only be heard by initiates of the machine cult. This all did save Brother Dravidue who as it the wont of his kind was suspicious of heresy always

to be continued......
