Title: DOW:Small World Underground shows up in our webstore… Post by: RSSFeeder on 11 June 2011, 03:08:04 Small World Underground shows up in our webstore!
Depending on where you live, you can either order or preorder Small World Underground - Dig your way to our US webstore (preorder) or to our European one (available). To celebrate, we also uploaded the rules on the game's website and some avatars for you to choose from: You can see them all via your account [...] Source: Small World Underground shows up in our webstore! (http://feeds.daysofwonder.com/~r/dowblog-en/~3/yvrZ9AzfOtA/) Title: Re: DOW:Small World Underground shows up in our webstore… Post by: EvilGinger on 11 June 2011, 05:50:59 have to say on Phils behalf, because I am still recovering form teaching him Basic facebook use, that I have seen copies of every thing Smallworld in Spirit Games and add its a really cool game & I want a chance to play it again. Perhaps on the new day that's getting inserted between wednesday & Thursday each week.
>:DGinger Title: Re: DOW:Small World Underground shows up in our webstore… Post by: CrazyFrog on 11 June 2011, 15:36:51 OMG.
Phil? Facebook!!! Good luck to you sir. I've not a clue how it works. Please remember the statement is to be take in context of light hearted joke Title: Re: DOW:Small World Underground shows up in our webstore… Post by: EvilGinger on 11 June 2011, 17:37:34 Yes Phil Face book!! & that was my reaction too :o :o However as with the internet, web sites & other horrible trechie things it is the price of keeping in business these days. My experience teaching a computers for the terrified course certainly came in handy here ;).
>:DGinger |