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Gaming Groups => Oldest Heresy => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 09 June 2011, 00:44:01

Title: The Tomb of the Death Whispers
Post by: EvilGinger on 09 June 2011, 00:44:01
Above the feral world of Llandris the small rocky moon that  housed the now empty fortress monastery of the Death Whispers Space Marine Chapter swung through the dark heavens it was silent now but not empty for the death of a Marine chapter still squatted in its emptiness.

To Be continued.....

Title: Re: The Tomb of the Death Whispers
Post by: EvilGinger on 11 June 2011, 21:57:03
Moments later The Deathwatch frigate Fiat Imperitus  slid out of the warp and into real space in response to the calls of the astreogaths on LLandris repeater station alerting them that something terrible had happened on the small rocky moon which housed the still building fortress monastery of the Death Whisper Space marine chapter. Shortly there was a meeting between watch master Alicor & inquisitor Verxtris  & it was decided that a reconnaissance had to be conducted to determine the fate of the Death whispers & how the massively  armed fortress had been seemingly overcome by enemies, for whilst having only an honour company of fifty marines from its predecessor chapter as garrison it was possessed of the full deferences crewed by servitors  which should have given pause to a battle fleet....

& the honour company was not alone as the fortress housed nearly two thousand neophyte space marines though most where at least five years away form the completion of the implant process & a full compliment of Techpriests & Apothecaries to over see the process  not to mention the construction servitors of which there where thousands. Yet it had fallen seemingly & the powerful sensorium suite of the  Fiat Imperitus as it lay well beyond the range of the fortresses guns which could shatter it in an instant should it close, could detect no trace of any battle no damage, debris,  not even the single discharge of the least of the least of the fortresses awe-inspiring planetary defence weapons batteries

Less than an hour latter the five marines assigned to R-team 763 pulled away form the  Fiat Imperitus their Thunderhawk gunship twisting through space as if dodging incoming fire  even though the guns of the great fortress remained silent as the Strike crafts defensive machine spirits wove their warding web to prevent the fortresses weapons gaining a targeting solution

to be continued.......


Title: Re: The Tomb of the Death Whispers
Post by: EvilGinger on 14 June 2011, 04:59:15
With the nimble strike craft still jinking and weaving to avoid the so far non existent defensive fire form the fortress monastery, the team gained its first close look at the place. even to the Marines well trained eye it seemed undamaged the only thing that was at all untoward was that the landing bay doors where open. They gaped  in a manner which would have unerved lesser mortals rather like the maw of some great but silent stone beast

To be continued........


Title: Re: The Tomb of the Death Whispers
Post by: EvilGinger on 19 June 2011, 10:51:54
Starting gear for the mission....

Each player gets their characters personal gear plus two bolt pistol magazines loaded with standard bolts & if they have one five standard bolter magazines with standard bolts or five bolt pistol magazines for those who  have a bolt pistol a primary weapon any heavy weapon starts with five hundred rounds. A recording auspex unit is also issued to the squad leader.

other than that each marine gets 50 requisition points to spend as they wish


Title: Re: The Tomb of the Death Whispers
Post by: EvilGinger on 23 June 2011, 17:05:30
Getting sorted out for the first run which will start at the Devonshire at 7.30 and will start with every one finishing off their characters & sorting out the requisition for the first mission. Then into action though I dont think we will need figures until the next session
