Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Zardoz on 06 June 2011, 13:39:59

Title: 7th June - Compulsorary Meeting for All Nasrudin Corp. Mystery Agents
Post by: Zardoz on 06 June 2011, 13:39:59
Superintendent Pastor welcome you to the Berlin branch of the Nasrudin Institue of Mnemonic studies. All Mystery Agents are to report to Chief Agent Collier for activation Pseudonyms and mission assigmnent at 19:00hrs. Mission dive will commence at 20:00hrs. Mystery Agents are reminded to bring the following statutory equipment;
1. Pencil (preferably 2H)
2. Pyjamas (Nasrudin Corp standard Issue)

Title: Re: 7th June - Compulsorary Meeting for All Nasrudin Corp. Mystery Agents
Post by: Adam on 06 June 2011, 23:16:09
Loving it.

I will be there. That is assuming of course that there is such a concept as 'there' or even 'I'.

Title: Re: 7th June - Compulsorary Meeting for All Nasrudin Corp. Mystery Agents
Post by: Ross on 07 June 2011, 09:36:16
I'll be there.

My pencils are always 3H. A 2H is not sufficiently hard to ensure cardiac penetration when used as a weapon.

Title: Re: 7th June - Compulsorary Meeting for All Nasrudin Corp. Mystery Agents
Post by: Deebee on 07 June 2011, 09:45:36
I'll be there, but I don't wear pyjamas :o

Title: Re: 7th June - Compulsorary Meeting for All Nasrudin Corp. Mystery Agents
Post by: BigBird on 07 June 2011, 13:54:13
I'll be there..

Not sure how to respond, think you have covered all the bases...?


Title: Re: 7th June - Compulsorary Meeting for All Nasrudin Corp. Mystery Agents
Post by: BaldLea on 07 June 2011, 14:07:26
Count me in but I'll be in an Arthur Dent style dressing gown.

Title: Re: 7th June - Compulsorary Meeting for All Nasrudin Corp. Mystery Agents
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 07 June 2011, 16:23:02
Got the pencil but my standard issue pj's are in the wash. Are my little pony ok?