Title: June 2011 - Deebee - Traveller Tripwire (cont) Post by: Deebee on 31 May 2011, 11:26:01 Anyone available for June?
Cheers DB Title: Re: June 2011 - Deebee - Traveller Tripwire (cont) Post by: slug on 01 June 2011, 22:29:36 June is a No for me but I will be back in July
Title: Re: June 2011 - Deebee - Traveller Tripwire (cont) Post by: PM on 02 June 2011, 21:55:12 18th is my only free Saturday in June.
Title: Re: June 2011 - Deebee - Traveller Tripwire (cont) Post by: Deebee on 03 June 2011, 11:02:27 Got the school fete on that day, we may be doing a TKD demo there. I will check if it is on and get back to you, if it's not then I'm free.
DB Title: Re: June 2011 - Deebee - Traveller Tripwire (cont) Post by: Zarniwoop on 03 June 2011, 13:53:43 Not entirely sure about the 11th other than I know I am on Call from 9-2pm but could be possible.
18th we wont be free that will be Raiders XV, unless you want to pop up ;) Title: Re: June 2011 - Deebee - Traveller Tripwire (cont) Post by: PM on 03 June 2011, 20:23:00 Oh yeah. Forgot that was raiders day. Gosh I'm not working must be some mistake!! :) Fingers crossed I might be able to pop over.
Title: Re: June 2011 - Deebee - Traveller Tripwire (cont) Post by: Deebee on 07 June 2011, 14:41:21 Sorry 18th is a bust for me, we are doing a TKD demo at the fair.