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General Community => Events & Conventions => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 05 May 2011, 20:04:10

Title: Q-Con XVIII
Post by: Zarniwoop on 05 May 2011, 20:04:10
Details from their Website (

What Is Q-Con
Q-Con is the annual gaming convention held by Dragonslayers, the Queen's University Belfast gaming society (

When and where is it being held?
Q-Con is being held in the Queen's University Belfast Students' Union from Friday 24th (starting 6pm) to Sunday 26th June 2011.

What sort of things can I expect to find at Q-Con?
Q-Con encompasses so many different events that we hope there will be something for everyone.

There will be the traditional gaming fare with tabletop role-playing competitions, war-game tournaments and live action role-playing events.

As well as this Q-Con will feature electronic gaming activities, including console games on all platforms.

For Q-Con attendees who are fan of Anime we will be providing screening rooms showing Anime throughout the weekend. We will also have Anime and Cosplay related events running throughout the weekend included a Cosplay Masquerade, Manga workshops, Cosplay treasure hunt and many more.

For full details on these events please select the relevant section from the main menu on the left hand side of the main page.

How much will all this cost me?
Details on pricing can be found here in the Prices section (

Pre-registration is at a reduced rate. If you miss the pre-registration period, you can still turn up on the day however since selling out last year we advise all attendees to pre-register to avoid potential disappointment.