Title: Welcome to the Big Bang Burger Bar Post by: Zarniwoop on 29 February 2008, 23:12:39 Our 'little' restaurant is built on fragmented remains of a soon to be ruined planet enclosed in a time bubble projected backwards to the precise moment the Universe is created.
The proprietors already have your reservation sorted and they already know the sitting you will attend long before you even know of the restaurants existence. They even have unique methods of helping you to pay for your meal and show. Your whole experience will have been tailor made to suit your taste as our researchers will know everything about you. So sit back, relax and enjoy the whole of creation unfold before you as you dine. Title: Re: Welcome to the Big Bang Burger Bar Post by: Registered on 03 August 2015, 15:01:44 Thanks for this amazing forum. I love the design and overall look of this forum.
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