Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming Groups => Gaming Groups => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 15 April 2011, 00:48:08

Title: Events, Notes and Chat
Post by: Zarniwoop on 15 April 2011, 00:48:08
Hi Gang,

It would be nice if the gaming groups posted some additional content about their games and activities either in their own areas, here or under the specific game system areas.

I would love to read about the exploits of various characters in all sorts of game systems (The DM or the Players could post some notes, however vague). This would also help promote the groups and of course this forum :)

If DM's are organising games then all registered members can post events in the Calendar ( which has been enhanced with the Event Registration Mod ( allow players to sign up for games (Including guests) and add comments.

There is a Dice Rolling Mod ( which can be used for pre/Post game chat areas where the DM requires rolls to aid the games or for creating Play-By-Post ( games.

Plus loads of other options I probably have not thought of, I really like the community we are building here and I hope you all get as much out of it as I do.

Happy Gaming


Title: Re: Events, Notes and Chat
Post by: Dat on 15 April 2011, 15:12:49
Been wanting this sort of thing myself but then everyone in my group tells me i should do it if i'm so fussed about it.
So god help us all, i'll try and post factually inaccurate summations with little clue about what's going on.