Title: The Sandy Special Post by: EvilGinger on 20 March 2011, 00:00:04 Having discovered that Laura (Amy's character) is a demigod from the Dawn age a number of which has been released in to the modern world by the actions of the enigmatic & apparently deceased Arch Villain Mr Smith with the aid of a terrible piece of sacrificial magic. We centre on Constable Bob (Sandy s character) to discover what is special about him, or is he just epicly unlucky.......
>:DGinger Title: Re: The Sandy Special Post by: Pug118 on 21 March 2011, 23:45:55 Oh dear, poor old PC Bob's gotten him self in over his head....... +:beer=+::beer:
Title: Re: The Sandy Special Post by: EvilGinger on 23 March 2011, 19:38:20 probably, quite how far will be revealed tonight I hope, & dont forget we are meeting at Spirit then Going to the Devi
>:Dginger |