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The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Ross on 21 February 2011, 15:03:29

Title: 22nd Feb Game
Post by: Ross on 21 February 2011, 15:03:29
Should be my first DH game, but may be something else as a one-shot if I don't get it finished in time.

Title: Re: 22nd Feb Game
Post by: Ross on 22 February 2011, 10:53:02
The Emperor has indeed smiled upon you, his chosen acolytes, for in his grace your work may continue this night.

Your Lord and Master, Inquisitor Kreed, has been conducting an invstigation on the Hive world of Alactra for the last two years following the conclusion of the Gorgonid Mine investigation and subsequent purge.

The work has been difficult and inconclusive. Only in the last year has your cell been involved here following down-time and training. The initial phase of the investigation by Kreed was overt, but led nowhere, so he changed his strategy. Your cell was brought in covertly, without even the knowledge of the planet's authorities, to continue the work undercover.

Kreed could not of course be a part of this, so has left for other investigations. Since then you have been placed under the command of his Interrogator to continue the work in the torrid dark places of the hives which sprawl like cancer upon the planet's ancient and polluted surface.

Good luck - The Emperor Protects...

Title: Re: 22nd Feb Game
Post by: BaldLea on 22 February 2011, 15:17:45
A hive. The thick steel walls may block my extended senses but my nose can detect the vile smell of the heretic and turn my stomach nonetheless.

Let us paint dark places with the light of the Emperor.

Title: Re: 22nd Feb Game
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 22 February 2011, 17:59:26
Covert ops on the Hive world of Alactra? I suppose extreme remedies are most appropriate for extreme diseases. As Interrogator I will expect a degree of respect second only to that of our Lord and Master, Inquistor Kreed. Captain Klightus Victus (the name you may recall), will see to it that the heathen are identified, rooted out and purged from all existence.