Title: Science Fiction Double Feature Post by: Zarniwoop on 11 February 2008, 02:13:07 Presenting Science Fiction Double Feature
This is the first of a proposed monthly game (Which I've moved forward due to the unavailablity of the Coopers on the 6th) The idea is to run two games for smaller sized groups (with a Sci-fi theme), these game are intended to be either one off games or only few sessions long, thus making it more accessible to new players or those who only want to play the occasional game. This is also a good chance for those who want to get more experience at GMing a game (or even run their first game) We have our first two GMs for the event. Showing on screen one is Oridyne who will be running either a Toon Adventure or Battlestar Galatica game (these are for upto four players) Showing on screen two is Absolusion with a Serenity game (number of players to be confirmed) when you RSVP please indicate which game you would like to join. |