Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: BigBird on 15 February 2011, 15:09:39

Title: 15 Feb
Post by: BigBird on 15 February 2011, 15:09:39
Hi Guys,

Just wondering if there were plans for tonights game.. James are you running 40k..?

Failing Trains and late requests for reports, I should be coming along tonight..

Title: Re: 15 Feb
Post by: Ross on 15 February 2011, 15:55:12
I am assuming 40k/Dark Heresy, and will be there!

Let the corrupt burn in the righteous fires of the Emperor of Mankind!

(lit by me for the Emperor's glory, of course)

Title: Re: 15 Feb
Post by: BaldLea on 15 February 2011, 16:21:32
I shall be there tonight.

Do not be fooled by the aesthetics of the fickle Eldar. Those of us with the "sight" can see their twisted and corrupt souls as they truly are.

Title: Re: 15 Feb
Post by: Zardoz on 15 February 2011, 17:58:36
Yeah, yeah, burn the heretic... blah, blah, blah. Hail the emperor.... or whatever.

Title: Re: 15 Feb
Post by: JamesSteeleII on 15 February 2011, 18:22:36
If there is anything Kreed despises as much as heretics it's xenos. Purge the scum. Show them no mercy.

Title: Re: 15 Feb
Post by: Ross on 15 February 2011, 19:27:48
Yeah, yeah, burn the heretic... blah, blah, blah. Hail the emperor.... or whatever.

Careful with your tongue Quinn- The Emperor is always listening...