Big Bang Burger Bar

General Community => SMF Forum => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 23 December 2010, 19:36:52

Title: Remove Word Censor from specific board
Post by: Zarniwoop on 23 December 2010, 19:36:52
Post by Anguz (SMF Forum)

<edit file>
</edit file>

<search for>// Replace all vulgar words with respective proper words. (substring or whole words..)function &censorText(&$text){ global $modSettings, $options, $settings; static $censor_vulgar = null, $censor_proper;
</search for>

<add after>
// Uncensored board.
global $board;
if (!empty($board) && $board == 129.0)
return $text;
</add after>

Replace the 1 with the ID of the board you want uncensored. If you want to forgive more than one board, you'd change that line to this:

	if (!empty($board) && ($board == 1 || $board == 2))

That'd not censor boards 1 and 2, you can add more. Again, you use the correct board IDs, this is just an example.