Big Bang Burger Bar

The Cellar => Previous Events => Topic started by: Deebee on 08 December 2010, 17:59:04

Title: December? Anyone available for the 18th?
Post by: Deebee on 08 December 2010, 17:59:04
Traveller continuation anyone?


Title: Re: December? Anyone available for the 18th?
Post by: Zarniwoop on 09 December 2010, 15:25:02
Probably Unlikely for us, with various weather issues this month still have to fit in getting round to families before xmas and running out of weekends.

Raiders is on the 29th so I think December will be a bust for us Sorry...

Title: Re: December? Anyone available for the 18th?
Post by: armoured-smiler on 09 December 2010, 20:07:44
Sorry Dave,

I am seeing my sister on that weekend, are you going on the 29th Dec?


Title: Re: December? Anyone available for the 18th?
Post by: Deebee on 10 December 2010, 10:56:19
OK, no worries, this one is a bust - it was a long shot (DM -4 :P )

Should we try and line one up for January - new thread anyone?