Title: Welcome nomad3k Post by: Zarniwoop on 07 February 2008, 20:02:12 Welcome nomad3k to the Big Bang Burger Bar.
I hope you will find us all friendly and welcoming. Feel free to join in conversations and please do reply telling us a little about yourself. Title: Re: Welcome nomad3k Post by: Arnu on 07 February 2008, 20:20:38 Hiya Chris Welcome aboard Oridyne/Zarniwoops very fine vertual establishment All the best Andie (Arnu) Title: Re: Welcome nomad3k Post by: nomad3k on 07 February 2008, 20:39:11 Well, my name is Chris, I'm 33 and like spooning. My hobbies include pretending that I have enough time for hobbies, and trying to think of valid excuses for all the hobbies I have so that my lovely wife doesn't kill me. That pretty much takes up all my free time. What is left I use for gaming.