Title: wandering Fortess - Continuation Request Post by: morgalahan on 15 October 2010, 15:35:57 Hi
As is known, I'll be back in South Africa in approximately six weeks. As such I'll obviously not be able to participate in any roleplaying going on. Therefore, I'd like to ask Mr Tiki Snakes very nicely if he'd continue this play by post game, provided of course there are more people interested, he's interested and I have the internet once I get back. Anyhoo, just a random request. Morgalahan Title: Re: wandering Fortess - Continuation Request Post by: Dat on 15 October 2010, 20:40:10 Ill get involved if needed.
Title: Re: wandering Fortess - Continuation Request Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 15 October 2010, 22:31:48 I don't know. I'm not entirely sure I have the time or enthusiasm. We'll see.
HOWEVER, I would also very much recommend having a look at the Order of the Stick forum's 'Play by Post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=3)' section, as you will find plenty of games therein. Title: Re: wandering Fortess - Continuation Request Post by: EvilGinger on 16 October 2010, 05:02:44 TIKI I think the point is to stay in contact with & role play with the people in Burton rather than just to get an on line game. I also understand the time commitment to run games even, on line and also understand your reluctance to commit.
However given that and to make morgalahan happy I would consider running one & would poke the even eviller ginger in Lincoln to join in as she is now properly on line. >:DGinger Title: Re: wandering Fortess - Continuation Request Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 16 October 2010, 15:16:23 I am well aware of the situation, thanks. My answer stands.
Title: Re: wandering Fortess - Continuation Request Post by: EvilGinger on 16 October 2010, 16:08:20 and you gave the answer which I rather hoped that you wouldn't but feared correctly that you might.
However moving on and being constructive, I would be more than happy to run an on line game even given that I have much less time to do it than most. I would also point out Eberon Online which has developed nicely and is free to use for the most part, as an alternative. Morgalahan is known to have some interest in such things & I would be only too happy to pass over the client software. I have tried it and like it better than WoW as there is much more potential to create a rounded character which is not a cookie cutter copy of other characters of its class. >:DGinger |