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Gaming Groups => Previous Events => Topic started by: Zarniwoop on 21 January 2008, 23:58:02

Title: B5 Campaign Part VI - 7pm
Post by: Zarniwoop on 21 January 2008, 23:58:02
Thursday, January 24, 2008 at 7:00 PM 20080124T190000Z
Coopers Tavern
Cross Street

Expected Attendees
6 people ? 4 Yes, 2 Maybe
There's still room for 14 more.
Organized by
Andie L
Part VI of the Babylon 5 Campaign.

In Part V The characters have found a wooden compound surrounding a crashed Abbai ship. The survivors have allied with these Minbari learning that the Minbari had been attacked by raiders forcing them to abandon ship.

Accessing some of the ships logs they have discovered the Abbai ship was also attacked by raiders.

They have been able to study the alien words they intercepted a few days ago. But what do the words "Tarick Vin Sovackar" mean?

The repaired sensors on the Abbai Ship have detected something approaching the planet.