Big Bang Burger Bar

Gaming Groups => Dark deeds in very dark places => Topic started by: EvilGinger on 27 September 2010, 06:01:36

Title: Future imperfect, Past Imperfect
Post by: EvilGinger on 27 September 2010, 06:01:36
Past - The Dawn empires
Past - The adventures of Yariel and the rise to Power of the Litch in the dawn age
Past - The First kingdom of Yariel & the Empire of the Hobgoblins
Past - The Fall of the Drow & the Kinslaying war

To be continued.......


Title: Re: Future imperfect, Past Imperfect
Post by: EvilGinger on 03 October 2010, 05:19:50
Future - The fall of the under Empires
Future - The Dwarf Mindflayer war
Future - The Rise of the time wizard
Future - The drying of the world

to be continued.....

 >:D Ginger