Title: Favourite comic book character Post by: RosePetals on 24 September 2010, 07:10:34 Hi friends,
Mine is Rogue, I liked her role in the cartoon. But I hate how they made her look shy and modest in the movies. I am bit confused. what about yours? Title: Re: Favourite comic book character Post by: Dat on 28 September 2010, 20:44:40 Nyang! Squirrelgirl!! The anti-hero's of Watchmen appealed in a strange way and i like any wolverine style character, - im looking at you, Bigby Wolf.
Title: Re: Favourite comic book character Post by: Danielle on 22 February 2011, 11:34:22 Since my childhood it's still Spider-Man for me. I guess it’s more because of his struggles and his personality. I like his outfit too.
Title: Re: Favourite comic book character Post by: slug on 23 February 2011, 06:32:23 I Am The Law.
Judge Dredd - need I say more? +:thumbup=+::thumbup: Title: Re: Favourite comic book character Post by: Crazy Parker on 20 June 2011, 08:05:48 I’m always Spiderman’s fan, I love his movies and comic books.
Title: Re: Favourite comic book character Post by: EvilGinger on 20 June 2011, 11:58:06 Slug old chap you are showing your age, no idea what I am showing if I let on that I still read Judge Dread most weeks but dont buy the magazine any more as most of it doesn't interest me any more.
as for superheroes Batman & Spiderman where always much cooler then the one with the morbid fear of green glowy rocks whose name I forget. >:DGinger Title: Re: Favourite comic book character Post by: slug on 20 June 2011, 17:09:25 Yes I got to admit I am older now than I was last year.
Moving to the states made me clear out accumulated clutter including a 10 year collection of 2000ADs mostly from the 80's. Sadly there was no real market for them and went for a song. Title: Re: Favourite comic book character Post by: Natalie Thomas on 02 October 2012, 04:34:58 I like superman. He's so powerful. Basically he's the most realistic super-hero ever!
(http://static.nme.com/images/gallery/Superman191110.jpg) Title: Re: Favourite comic book character Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 02 October 2012, 18:19:30 That's quite a claim.