Title: Integrity - Tyrannous Skies (Part 2) Post by: Snakes in the Tiki Lounge on 08 September 2010, 17:25:08 (http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/7997/glassdesert.jpg) In a sleepy village on the edge of Dusk, the Elderly, Women and Children have been abandoned by their menfolk. Tempted by a Morninglord from another world to retreive a powerful artifact with which to wage war on the Black King and his Nightmare Lords. They journey through a desert of burning glass to recover a terrible secret. At the end of the world, the Scion of Light seeks to overthrow the ancient Lord in the Dark, but what has this to do with No-One and the Draconic Destroyer of Souls? 7pm, Spirit Games. |