Title: StarWars Minis Oct 2010 @ Spirit Games Post by: CrazyFrog on 04 September 2010, 19:07:23 C A N C E L L E D Start time 11:00 in the shop, heading to the cafe for lunch between 1:30 / 2:00 Same format as Sept 2010 game. You are required to build 2 squads of 100pts Light and Dark. Definiation of Light Squad ( Old Republic / Republic / Rebel / New Republic ) Definiation of Dark Squad ( Sith / Separtists / Imperial ) Fringe as normal legal on both squads. No Mandalorins or Vong unless you have used a character that brings them into your squad legally Then you will dice off with opponent and whoever wins adds the 2 light or dark sides together to build the full 200pt squad. If you won the dice roll, you have to choose whether to play light or dark based on your own build, you cannot look at opponents squads and think which overall side you'd like to play. So dont build anything that you cannot beat. The secret is to build a light and dark side that is very evenly balanced. Easier said than done. Any questions please PM me. Cheers Frog |